Recent content by me1989

  1. M

    Your thoughts on suicide - Tragedy or Selfish?

    Re: Your thoughts on suicide... Tragedy or Selfish? What I can't understand is why people cannot put it in the news paper that this person commited suicide, inorder to try and prevent others? e.g. This Person, Tragically took their own life on this date.
  2. M

    2006 poets!

    I was just wondering if this was written by Sylvia Plath, for there are websites which say that it is written by Plath and others say that it is written by Christina Rossetti. If you do know can you please let me know. A Better Resurrection I have no wit, I have no words, no tears; My heart...
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    Sylvia Plath

    I was just wondering if this was written by Sylvia Plath, for there are websites which say that it is written by Plath and others say that it is written by Christina Rossetti. If you do know can you please let me know. A Better Resurrection I have no wit, I have no words, no tears; My heart...
  4. M

    Home and Away

    I just thought that I should let everyone know that I go to school the Cashelle Dunn, the girl who plays Tara and she is actually really nice. She is not a bitch like the show makes out as she is. She is a good friend Photo of us on school dress up day
  5. M

    I know why the caged bird sings

    I have an English essay on I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, It is an autobiography of Maya Angelou. My Essay question is "San Franciscans would have sworn on the Golden Gate Bridge that racism was missing from the heart of their air conditioned city. But they would have been sadly mistaken"...