my central material was about 700 words over (so 5700 words) and all my other '500 word limit; sections were about 700 each. They aren't as strict for S&C as they are for Eng Ext2. I ended up getting a HD for mine.... but it has to be good for you to get away with it - I mean, would you want to...
That's what I thought until Stuvac came around and I was faced with the task of cramming the information into my head. No doubt, there is a HEAP of stuff for Ancient and Modern. But Modern History is more complex, while for Ancient is easier to predict patterns and the exams are really...
I don't particularly give a fuck about you either, but a chance to poke fun at YOU was too tempting. As for the "only days earlier" thing, I just have to comment on that because I hadn't spoken to you for AGES before uni began. And I only said hi because a) you were alone b) the whole boyfriend...
My only problem is with you. And that's not because of our disagreement in the past. It was your rudeness in the 1st week of uni when I was friendly and said hi. You basically reasserted everything I thought about you, and everything people had/would tell me about you. But if you've made friends...
I'm impressed that you've actually made friends. Don't you basically shun everyone??
As for me, I think the friends I've made at uni are the best people I've ever met in my entire life and who I'll be friends with forever. It seems like every moment since law camp we've been together, and...
I despised the subject. The amount of content is insane (though not as bad as Modern) and incredibly boring. It's not a fun 3 hours of your life, but then, who'd say that about any exam?!
Lol, i went to that last year and OMG, it was the biggest load of crap ever. By the end everyone was restless and drawing pictures in their books. Callender got really angry (the most animation she'd shown all day). It was the biggest waste of money and I wanted to demand it back. Needless to...
"Damned if you are, more damned if you're not - the dilemma of the modern day role model"
As a child, dressed in a red cape with my underpants oddly positioned on the outside of my pants, I zoomed about the yard in an attempt to emulate my idol, the great Superman. However...
Yeah, I think I was the guy sitting next to you.... I was sus before, but this confirms it :P You should have talked to me more! I'm super friendly and polite! Ask anyone (except spin spin - loooooooooooong story :P). Anyway, yeah, we should work on our presentations together! And yes...
I'm finding it ok...... so different from high school!
I have my presentation for c.c. in week 9 (feminism one) and my p&c one in week 11 I believe, on human rights and disability.
And ugh! so that 500 word thing on a cultural text is due next Tuesday? Oh bum.
I doubt anyone who was at Orimbah would want to steal your idea.
And don't take me wrong, I'm not paying you out, but it sounds like an idea that only the person who stumbled across it could pull off.
Note: Make sure you do it really really well, and justify everything in your reflection...
Best Picture: Really liked 'Mystic River', but think LOTR is a sure bet
Best Actor: Sean Penn (He deserves an oscar, eventhough this performance wasn't his best. He was amazing in 'I am Sam', and it seems wrong to think of Bill Murray having an oscar and not him. I liked Johnny Depp too)...