Recent content by Mikearun

  1. Mikearun

    Final English ASSESSMENT?!

    Have anyone actually finish with that related texts material ? I kinds of stuck with writing up bit ,....can anyone help ? or any advices thanks:burn:
  2. Mikearun

    Progress so far?

    my class is just about half way through Search for better health and we finished other main one already.Our option is biotechnology ... cant wait
  3. Mikearun

    Help.... > _ <

    Hello av-one, I have been revise my english notes for Mid course this Monday and can some one tell me what are the techniques they could use in texts and how will you define the language features. Thanks in advance
  4. Mikearun

    hlep!!!!my poor assessment!!

    Well to start of with is to understand the question that you are being asked and you then try to write out all the main ideas you have for answering the question. Hope thats help !
  5. Mikearun

    Studying for Maths

    Those tips are pretty helpful but can anyone tell me the best way to sum up the chapter and stuffs ...? It is really annoying me when I am in the mood of study and dont know where to even begins
  6. Mikearun

    Integration is the worst topic

    what is conics stuffs , i just want to know the brief ideas of what it is like ? becoz some (most ) are complaining that it is hard :)
  7. Mikearun

    Integration Question

    Oh i see now !
  8. Mikearun

    Integration Question

    IS the answer -4/3.(4-^2)^(3/2) ?
  9. Mikearun

    Trig...! :(

    So u just basically have to try all possibilities to get the answer for this type , isnt it ? I SEE NOW ,, thanks for help
  10. Mikearun

    Trig...! :(

    [B]so what do you normally start with for this type of question ?
  11. Mikearun

    Trig...! :(

    can anyone show me how to integrate cos^2x/sin^4x ? i dont know where to start
  12. Mikearun

    Is english pointless?

    English is still english but people just stuff it up with slang becuz they ARE lazy just like other languages. so even you learn the basic thing of any languages you still can not understand the slang unless they tell you ! :rofl:
  13. Mikearun

    how many ppl in ur Ex2 class

    My class has 9, we had a first asesment and iim coming 5 ..good enough for me :)
  14. Mikearun

    How are the 06's finding yr 12 so far??

    My Year12 is kinds of alright, much more works and assesments. The things that annoyed me most is to have two or more asessment in a day and u cant do anything about it . Maths is more interesting as usual , Physics is like circling in the mag. field , ESL just suck as always , BUS Studies is...
  15. Mikearun

    This is confunsing

    so the allele is the varies of one particular gene hm... thats make sense , thanks :)