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  • It's still in planning. I'll keep a tab.

    There may be a thread or something a week from now, or so.
    I'm 100% about Band E4s in 3U and 4U, just unsure about how high they'll be. I'm guessing 97 for 3U and 95 for 4U. Eco, I'll do shiet in the HSC, but my internal rank should drag me up to a low Band 6. Phys, I'm pretty confident I'll get a low Band 6. English is the only thing I'm worried about. That 69/100 in the Trial was absolutely abysmal. The course I want to do is only 91.00, but I still want 99+. Aim high, so I can do better in uni :D.
    You want to be a neurosurgeon? You're aiming very, very high. I wish you all the best.
    Well at the moment, I'm probably going to do an accounting cadetship +commerce at unsw, I was never interested in Med or anything health related haha.
    And I think I saw your atar estimate thread, you're gna do pretty well, so hopefully that will get you where you want, just make sure you keep working hard!
    yepyep thats why its in my display pic haha.. cos i like durian and its so controversial.. some ppl hate it =P and cos it has my name in it haha in fact my facebook name is Dur-Ian Chan lol =P
    ahh okiess yeh true
    and yep im chocsoc president now haha its pretty fun =] and im known as durian by many ppl at uni lol
    4u-jack chen

    but i reckon i did really good overall though bcoz those two didnt do as well in 4u/3u respectively

    nah i effed up my trial in 3u and the half yearly in 4u. goes to show u have to be consistent throughout the year, which is fair enuff.

    also chocolate club president? 4 realz? lol
    ahh cool wow neurosurgeon! yeh that is hard!
    haha record for most 2nds ay? you have me to compete with there hehe in year 12 i was 2nd in 4u maths, physics, 3u english, french continuers (4 subjects as well haha)
    and wow who came 1st in the two maths then? i wouldve thought u'd top it!

    uni is pretty good! seriously, its less work than hsc (or at least i'm putting in less work, personally haha) and lots of fun, socialising all the time and involved in various clubs and societies... =]
    ahaha wow congratz and nahhh actually.... YOU BEAT ME IN 4U !
    Good on ya! =D
    soon to be THGS dux of 2011 ahaha =]
    see if your grade can get even better than 89th lol..
    btw what do u wanna do at uni?
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