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  • LOL. You're a funny kid man. Anyway, you're welcome.

    Soon BoS would become a troll-free foundation, don't worry. =)

    What nationality are you by the way?
    How can you find out that one person has a million other accounts?

    I neg repped him for his ill manners.
    I feel sorry for you - you have to put up with idiots making stupid remarks about whatever religion you follow/if you follow one.

    Personally, I like your thread, but people are making it a cliche - saying crap about religions
    i won't be accelerating anything :(

    apparently (according to some thread made by ipodnano in the atar forum) accelerating is really important in getting a 99+ atar, and now i'm freaking out cos i sort of just realised why rusers do so well, 80% of them do accelerated ag and i'm one of the few that dropped ag once it started its prelim term :(
    Yes, offcourse. Anyway, had an interesting talk.

    I don't like the ill-mannered people we have here on bos =(
    You're theories confsue me. However, you do indeed hold a strong opinion, and for that I respect you. Albeit, I don't agree with all what you said.
    I see. You're quite an interesting kid...you seem to have knowledge of your own.
    I don't believe anyone can be God-like. No human has (except that of Prophet -saw-) and no human ever will.

    That's my opinion.

    You're welcome to your own though, Mr. Awesomeness ;)
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