Man I was absolutely stoked with my results.... can't believe it!!!
Eng(Adv) 86
Maths Ext 1 100
Maths Ext 2 98
SDD 96
Physics 92
RE 42
ROFLMAO remember that documentary on michael jackson a while back??? you struck me as his type is all but anywho ^^ +
here buddy
" Money really doesn't buy happiness, study finds
Feb 13 12:19 PM US/Eastern
Money doesn't buy happiness, and now there's a study to prove it. Australian researchers...
roflmfao!!!! i seriously would laugh my HEAD off if he doesn't get first in the state cause THEN he'd be crushed..... ahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha
I thought evolution of programming languages was really really easy: they let you choose which historical reason for developing functional, and one of those historical reasons is like a massive dot point! --> progrtammer productivity so you could speak so much about that and then you had 2...
yeah that's pretty true ^^ it was a good exam in some respects, open ended questions here n there as well so as long as whatevery ou wrote answered the question it was good
did anyone do evolution of programming?? or did you all do developers view on the hardware??? was pretty happy with the exam.... finished it in 2.5 hrs , some bits of the paper were tricky though... hoping about.. 92-95+
used up 7 booklets, 1 and a half for each question except 23. Didn't need to write too mcuh with 23 --> it was mainly algorithm and DFD stuff so you know and i never do a draft of dfd's =/ teacher usually gives me full marks or a mark off so im usually ok not doing a draft but it was alright XDD...
ahahah that's exactly what I think too ^^ good luck with all your exams too!!! still so curious about what terry lee says about it too T_T i wanna know!!!! *whines*
should be, from reading the extension i threads, apparently the exam was pretty hard (albeit not as hard as last years, but still pretty hard) so you should still get e4 for that hopefully, i wonder how e4 translates out of 100 thought , probably double the mark.
and funny that i dont wanna be...
did awesome mate!!! came out thinking 100% looked at terry lee's answers and now 83/84!!!! loving it!! =DD
and congrats on the 75! that's quite an achievement too ^^