Recent content by mumajugs1

  1. M

    What Is Ray

    haha i think u mean a mega lazor beem!!!!:jedi:
  2. M

    What Is Ray

    Thnx Heaps Yeah we just got a random question saying what is a Ray I Pretty much new what it was but couldnt put a description down on paper
  3. M

    What Is Ray

    Our teacher was kinda fuzzy on the descrpition! Wondering if anyone could tell how to define a ray?
  4. M

    Elizabeth I

    For our class topic next term we are doing Elizabeth I. My taecher wasnt to good explaining what the topic involved. Can anyone if they have done it give me an idea of what's covered in the topic? Is it just like the entire life of Elizabeth? Thanks in advance :wave:
  5. M

    Major Project ?

    Well I Dont Know much about him but you should try and focus on umm perhaps A particular even he was involved in? or even talk about how his attitude was related to his social context. :ninja:
  6. M

    $1000 for each child by this week

    Wow pretty sure our famly earns less then $150 000 and we arent getting it. Is it only for Families that have govt. jobs?
  7. M

    Will general lessen my chances of a graduate job?

    It generally shouldnt matter, especially if you do really well in general. So really it wont lessen your chances unless you do really bad at general maths.
  8. M

    How many students?

    we have a huge class we started with about 32 people, and since then maybe 13-14? people have dropped Random epic guitar!!!: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar: :guitar...
  9. M

    Major Project Topic

    ^ | | | | True :D Just think of an idea, reasearch it further, then try and find something to relate it too. Example the global economic crisis----relate it to how germany has gone into recesion.
  10. M

    Topics for '09

    Im looking at Hammurabi's Code and and how it was a big change in Ancient Babylonia compared to the social context of the day. Its a hard subject im instantly regretting doing it lol. My teacher was right, ancient topics are very hard.
  11. M

    Maths study/

    Lol well general maths is cooly easy. Just did a test. i think i nailed it. lol I find the best way to sudy for maths, or any other science subject is to do simple mindmap. Just start with a topic area or part in the middle. Then expand on it example use Trig and then break off into cosine...
  12. M

    Major Project Topic

    Its a cool topic but the problem is, that isnt a question :rolleyes: lol my teacher constantly stress's that it must contain high order verbs. Therefore it must contain one of the the phollowing verbs: *Critically analyse *To what extent *Critically Evalutate *Critically assess There are...