Recent content by ND

  1. ND

    difference between economics and commerce

    Right. How you gonna hedge a position by throwing darts at a newspaper?
  2. ND

    Career,, HELP ME!!!

    Do people in ops have the title 'Analyst'?
  3. ND

    Investment banking?

    If you want to do sales/structuring (which is what Liar's Poker is about) in anything other than cash products, get a maths degree (or something equally quantitative).
  4. ND


    Look if you want to nit-pick, the condition (advanced maths) and algebra and statistics is broken if any of the 3 aren't met - since there is no advanced math in an undergrad finance degree, my statement was correct. The level of maths in a math undergrad should be about equal to the level...
  5. ND

    Barclays + ABN Amro...

    Should be same as IBD - it is at my bank. (fixed income though, not equities)
  6. ND


    About 80% of my degree is statistics in one form or another - but advanced? It depends on your defintiion; i definately wouldn't call anything that isn't cutting edge/ at least PhD level advanced.
  7. ND


    Yes there is, just not in any undergrad finance course.
  8. ND

    Barclays + ABN Amro...

    UBS take heaps - more than all other except Macquarie i've heard.
  9. ND

    Barclays + ABN Amro...

    From what i've heard UBS, Deutsche and Macquarie are up there too.
  10. ND

    Hong Kong Investment Banking

    Wow, is it too late to apply now? ;) Really? Got anything i can read?
  11. ND

    Hong Kong Investment Banking

    Shit, is that the highest level of tax you pay?? What's the cost of living like there?
  12. ND

    Hong Kong Investment Banking

    USD110K base? More like USD110K total comp.
  13. ND

    Hong Kong Investment Banking

    Congrats. When do they start over there?
  14. ND

    Hong Kong Investment Banking

    That's pretty fucked up.