Best: Chinese Cinderella in year 8, I think one of the few books I actually didn't mind reading. Also I think Frankenstein next year will be interesting
Worst: I've disliked many, and right now I can't bring myself to continue reading Wild Swans. It's so long and sometimes it's just overload
I think our school only lets us have parts of our names on it (first name/last name/middle name maybe?) so yeah nothing funny or awesome for us unfortunately ): I'm just having my surname on mine.
And we get our jerseys so late, this year's year 12 don't even have it yet :mad:
I use refill pages, cause I don't usually make summaries (which I type up) as soon as we finished learning that dot point, and I like keeping related information together. If I wrote in a book and kept everything in date sequence, info on that dot point would be all over the place. 1 folder for...
Curkz got the main idea, powder has a faster reaction than the chip.
If "how surface area can change the rate of reaction" is all you're investigating, really you don't need the limewater and the stoppers with gas delivery tubes, unless they're only there to prove that a reaction occurs.. but...