ohhh ive been pretty good apart from sideswiping one of those concrete poles in parking lots with my car last week and damaging both doors on the left hand side of my car lol
schoolies came and went... that was fun, didnt want it to end but hey all good things come to an end i guess... my avatar is from schoolies
ahh got hsc results back... i did so well, i was shocked with my atar... 95.1 wtf lol.. only problem is ive got no idea what i want to do next year at uni... im tossing up between commerce/science and pharmacy (both at usyd)... but my overbearing controlling persian dad wont let me do science because its a "waste of time" and "hardly any jobs" and "shitty wages"... he said that if i do commerce WITH science he will kick me out of his house pffft.... but i havent beeen hearing good things about pharmacy job prospects either. and ive got until jan 6th to decide fml
how have you beeen?