Recent content by peggd

  1. P

    can sum1 calculate my UAI??

    so if u guys r estimating ill get in the 70s theres no chance ill get in the 60s right?? coz im way happy with that....70+ is wot i want....not below n in the 80s wuld b bloody awsum!!! lol:)
  2. P

    Mooloolaba schoolies: 25th Nov-2 Dec 2007

    yeh my friend's bin 2 mooloolaba and he sed it woz awsum....beach parties, clubs n seriously who needs anything else but the beach and boos huh?? lol.....i so cant wait its like.....3 weeks til we go!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!:headbang:
  3. P

    can sum1 calculate my UAI??

    hi anyone lol. woz wondering what kind of UAI I would get with marks like: Advanced English: 67% 33/68 General Maths: 68% 24/58 Design and Techonology: 78% 6/14 PDHPE: 80% 2/31 Indonesian: 79% 4/9 Ext. Indo: 78% 3/4 ok....well I go to "Macarthur Anglican School" which is a private...
  4. P

    can sum1 calculate my UAI??

    hi anyone lol. woz wondering what kind of UAI I would get with marks like: Advanced English: 67% General Maths: 68% Design and Techonology: 78% PDHPE: 80% Indonesian: 79% Ext. Indo: 78% :confused: :confused: :confused: thanks pplz :wave:
  5. P

    How many speeches should we know??

    was just wondering.... exactly how many speeches SHOULD we know for tomorrow. I've been told two, however our teachers said it would be best if we knew three yet most of my friends are doing four. At the moment I have 3 down-pat and am working on a fourth's not that difficult but I just...
  6. P

    Mooloolaba for schoolies! anyone else??!!

    haha...fancy u bein on a site like this....i dont need 92 nemore lol.....i havnt bin on here in ages and i duno how to change it lol
  7. P

    Indonesian Students of 2007!

    am doing continuers and extension.... studyin it now....:sleep:
  8. P

    Mooloolaba for schoolies! anyone else??!!

    yeh i am...u?
  9. P

    Mooloolaba schoolies: 25th Nov-2 Dec 2007

    am goin 2 mooloolaba 24th Nov-1st Dec! stayin at the Zanzibar Resort PENTHOUSE!!! 10 of us goin...6 of us in the penthouse!! (THATS ME!!! YAY!!!) soooooooo excited!:)
  10. P

    Mooloolaba for schoolies! anyone else??!!

    who's going to mooloolaba for schoolies??? just curious:)
  11. P

    Alice in Wonderland and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

    thanku so much:) that'l help me heaps:wave:
  12. P

    Mean, Mode, Median

    mode- remember "most" most occuring score mean - average median - sounds kinda like middle so its d middle number
  13. P

    Who's Had Their DT Half Yearly????

    had mine it was frign awwww-sum!!! the questions were taken from a past paper and i did the exact same questions as study last happy:) prob wont write in this but anyways....:wave:
  14. P

    the impact of design innovation on society.

    thanku that helps heaps....:)
  15. P

    First Assessment!!! Excitement!!!

    *princesskt* i stress heaps too but just think....wen all this is ova.....FREEDOM!!! lol.....:)