Recent content by Race

  1. R

    What are you currently Reading?

    school related: the beach, for an assignment. and some songwriting books non school: war of the worlds, frankenstien, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, and i'm reading king dork again :) i just finished orpheus rising, it was really good, but sad. king dork is funny, and i haven't read enough of...
  2. R

    Music 1 and 2

    as far as I know, Music 2 is more classical inclined...they do a lot of note reading and so on. I think most of them have some sort of leveling.... music 1 is more to do with performance, there's minimal notereading, and tehy focus on listening. I did music 2 for two weeks then dropped to music...
  3. R

    A Clokcwork Orange (novel) and revenge tragedy

    Hiya. just wondering if anyone can help me with this. I'm writing a speech for revenge tragedy and I'm doing V for Vendetta and A Clockwork Orange. Relating context on the latter is proving a bit frustrating. any help appreciated. Thanks
  4. R

    2009 Preliminary Yearlies Discussion Thread

    re: Preliminary Yearlies Discussion Thread i already didl my yearlies in week three to five :) i do ext english, advanced, modern history, music, drama, french beg, and legal good luck with your exams