Recent content by Rachael21

  1. R

    Exam Thoughts

    I'm confused, did the question that asked what '?' represented want us to state two things that would occur, or would 'crossing over'/exchange of genetic material be enough?
  2. R

    Multiple Choice

    Yay, I got pretty much the same as everyone else... 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. D I thought the multiple choice was pretty easy. I just hope I payed attention and didn't colour in the wrong circles
  3. R

    UAI Prediction?...How original

    I know I could just use SAM but this seems to be the trendy thing to do... These are my trial marks and ranks: English adv. - 78% 28/53 Mathematics - 82% 3/22 Biology - 91% 2/34 Chemistry - 87% 3/18 (easy test, generously marked) and I did Indonesian last year and got 92 I've been a bit of...
  4. R

    Trials Results

    Wow, I'd kill for some of these marks...especially 97% in chemistry I completely stuffed up my trials, but then I can't really expect to go very well seeing as I don't actually do anything...except procrastinate. english adv. --- 78% (probably about 20/53...meh it's only english) maths adv...
  5. R

    To repeat or not to repeat Year 12?

    I agree, DO NOT REPEAT YR 12! I semi repeated in that I did pathways which was the worst mistake of my life (maybe a slight exaggeration, but you get my drift). For some reason I thought that I would become really motivated and dedicated to school if I repeated, when in reality I've just...
  6. R

    Is anyone else over the HSC?

    I'm not over the HSC, I'm over english!! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! Whoever devised the english syllabus and made english compulsory should be shot. Seriously, who cares about the different view points of an imaginative journey? How is that ever going to help anybody in real life? It...
  7. R

    Am i able to redeem myself ????????

    <HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1>I'm also worried about my UAI. I'm ranking pretty well in most of my subjects (1/30 chemistry, 1/22 advanced maths, 5/34 Bio and i've already done HSC indonesian for which I got 92) but I'm coming last out of 53 people in english... I got a big fat 0 for the...