Recent content by Run hard@thehsc

  1. R

    Physics Predictions/Thoughts

    Good luck for Physics everyone! Is Physics the last exam this year as well?
  2. R

    Macquarie Uni SRS offer

    hey there, haven't been on this server in a long time. I don't recall much my srs offer, but I think you have good chance. Either way if not this way, I believe based on your current ranks you might be able to get in through the ATAR rounds
  3. R

    Late reply lol but pretty good. How about you? Congrats on that HSC achievement :)

    Late reply lol but pretty good. How about you? Congrats on that HSC achievement :)
  4. R

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    Pretty late to the party, but congrats to everyone who got their ATARS
  5. R

    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    NESA learnt from their mistakes ig, they made the marks pretty secure and haven't accidently leaked them. You guys get to experience real surprise.
  6. R

    state rank mark?

  7. R

    What ATAR are you aiming for?

    yh you have a lot of time to decide ngl
  8. R

    Delta English Tutoring - A Warning

    Broski asks the one subject I just chilled in lmao
  9. R

    Delta English Tutoring - A Warning

    It's pretty good. I recommend it 👍
  10. R

    Delta English Tutoring - A Warning

    No one go tutoring for a while. Less leakage of money and inflation decreased lmao 🤣🤣🤣
  11. R

    Delta English Tutoring - A Warning

    "It's when prices go brrrrr and money loses value." - source year 10 commerce student 🤪
  12. R

    Ask me anything!

    yep given that you grind hard and escape your choking scenario. Very much doable....
  13. R

    Ask me anything!

    Trimesters are alright for me cos pretty much all my friends go to UNSW lmao.... it really depends tbh