Thanks!!! Yeah, I've accepted the offer and btw you should too when it's your turn cause you can withdraw from your offer anyway. I think I did pretty badly, especially in math

. Omg and that's an even better prelim report than mine you'll definitely get it. Btw I've also received a conditional offer for UNSW Gateway and there's B of city planning (honours) at UNSW that has a similar selection rank to my chosen course so you should try it out too since you can apply for it through SRS too but make sure that your school or your home address are eligible for this scheme. There's a list of eligible schools on the UNSW Gateway website and to check for your address you can email UNSW or it will be on your UAC's EAS scheme. Gateway offer will decrease your atar so like instead of I have to get an 80 selection rank I only need to get a 65 atar.
My advice is to try talking to whoever is in charge of doing your SRS rating at your school cause the rating has to be completed for you to receive an SRS offer. The teacher at my school gave us each an extremely good rating so I think this plays a major factor as all the kids in my grade who applied for Gateway all got an offer. For MQ not everyone got an offer tho not sure why, maybe my friend didn't have a good prelim report or she didn't put any MQ degree in her UAC preference before the eligibility letter was released but most likely it was her report cause I've read on my FB HSC discussion group (btw you should follow your yr HSC discussion group o FB cause they can give you some good advice) someone said they didn't receive an eligibility letter but still got an MQ offer so make sure that you also keep at least one MQ degree in your preference like the date SRS application is closed so you can receive an eligibility email before 1st SRS offer round (you can put more than one degrees for MQ on your preference and be assessed on all of them cause I put 3 and I was eligible for all 3 of them.) And for Gateway, you can put 2 degrees in your UAC preference, doesn't even have to be your 1st preference to receive an offer but they only give out one conditional offer for 1st SRS offer round. Also if you would like to know more I suggest you attend the Open Day of the unis that you intend to study for more info and like book the sessions like really early cause they can be booked out pretty quickly. One last thing for Gateway, you'll have to write a personal statement to these questions:
- Why are you interested in the degree you are applying for and how does it relate to your passions and goals?
- What are your learning strengths and how have you applied them to overcome challenges in school or other aspects of your life?
- Thinking about your future self at university, what do you identify as the key challenges for you and how do you plan to manage these?
and upload it with your srs application. I've attached a pic of a sample answer for the 1st question that I got from UNSW Open Day.
If your home address is in the socio-economic indexes for areas SEIFA (AG01) or you're experiencing NSW rural or reigional school during Year 11 and/or Year 12 or equivalent (S01R, S01C) for USYD and school enivroment (S01C) only for UTS or financial harship (F01A, F01B, F01C and F01D), you can apply for SRS offer at UTS and E12 scheme at USYD (also applied through SRS application) but you'll have to complete your EAS application on UAC (except for S01R, S01C and AG01) (use the updated UAc's EAS list of your graduating year cause the list changes every year). For E12, you'll also need to upload a personal statement answering these questions:
- Other than your regular schoolwork, which of your activities or achievements have been most meaningful to you? These could be sports, cultural, musical, community or school leadership activities. Describe why it is important to you.
- Describe an academic achievement you are most proud of.
- Tell us why you want to/are motivated to study the course you have chosen (include any experience you may have had that relates to this course). If your chosen course has a major or specialisation, please be specific, and include any details about the area of interest. Eg Finance in Bachelor of Commerce, History in Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Engineering (Biomedical Engineering).
when you apply for SRS, refer to E12 Early Offer and Scholarship Scheme website. UTS will release either a conditional or unconditional offer based on your circumstance.
Lastly, if you're eligible for any other criteria from the EAS, you can apply for an EAS application to get more selection rank points and this works for every uni I think. Another piece of advice personally from me, you'll be very busy in yr12 and you'll also need to prepare any required documents so start your UAC and every other application as soon as possible even before April which is when the application is opened, don't leave it till last minute as I did lol. Also always put the degree that you really want to the most as your 1st UAC preference cause UAC always assesses your 1st preference and if you're not eligible then they move on to the next one and it continues like that. The unis you apply for SRS application will send you eligibility email(s) (not sure if UTS sends an email since I didn't apply for it but probably yes) so make sure to have all the degree(s) that you're eligible for in your preference before the deadline date for 1st SRS offer round. I'm not sure how many SRS offers and degrees you get and apply, respectively, from UTS and USYD tho but for MQ you can apply for 3 SRS offer rounds and get all 3 offers as long as you're eligible for all 3 of them in your eligibility letter and apparently, you can do that for WSU as well. And NEVER remove any degree that you've received an offer for from your UAC preference just move it down to your last preference. UTS, WSU, and some other unis have their own separate early entry schemes that you can apply for too so might as well check them out. Sorry I've been dragging on forever and couldn't insert any link for better access but yeah best of luck with everything!! HSC is tough but applying for unis is a beetch
