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  • Is there a character based upon me? Can he be the first to die a horrible, octo-legged death?
    Mayhaps these zombies have an insatiable appetite for knowledge and vocabulary, rather than brain matter?
    Nah, because my penis allows me to actually earn a reasonable wage and get promoted. So I win.
    Or you could be a figment of my imagination and reality could actually exist elsewhere. This could be the Matrix. Or I could have accidentally ingested an extremely potent cousin of LSD. For the past three days. Or maybe it's really only been an hour or two since we started our conversation. o_0
    Who knows such things as these.
    So I guess that makes sex for you take on a whole new dangerous feel, huh? Like Russian roulette. Cos god knows when that condom is going to break.
    Uhhh... You can.
    But where's the fun in that? See, when slutty girls have sex they can always just fall back on the excuse "I'm tryin' to make teh babiez".
    You wouldn't have that excuse. You'd either become a nun, or a superslut.
    The latter of whom also fights crime and wears a cape.
    Yeah, apparently that gets chicks to the Big O a lot faster. Plus the ova love it. Happy future babies all round!
    Except me. I'm perfect. I should probably also memtio that I also have a penis like my forearm and fist.
    Well you're certainly not stupid, and judging by your last pic on BoS, you're not ugly either, so unless your desperate x2, I don't think so.
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