Recent content by scienceready

  1. scienceready

    Should I Handwrite or Type My Notes for HSC Chemistry/Physics?

    Hello upcoming Year 11s, This post may be useful to many of you 😊
  2. scienceready

    Founder of Science Ready – AMA

    1. Write down all your lingering questions like you would for a to-do list so you don't have to keep everything in your brain 2. If Google doesn't help with finding your specific question, then try ChatGPT but you have to be careful with using AI because it doesn't give 100% correct answers. You...
  3. scienceready

    Things that helped me improve in chemistry/physics (99.95 ATAR, no tutoring)

    We regularly review our resources. Chemistry Module 1 pages are under review and they will be re-uploaded and made available within the next 2 weeks.
  4. scienceready

    📚 Comprehensive Guide on Validity, Accuracy and Reliability

    Hello science students, Validity, accuracy and reliability are important scientific concepts to understand in any field of science. Inevitably, you will encounter these when performing first-hand and second-hand investigations. We have developed a very comprehensive HSC Guide for Validity...
  5. scienceready

    Module 6: Acid-base Reactions Study Guide [READ BEFOREHAND]

    Hey everyone, Here's a short guide on study tips that may help you tackle acid-base chemistry in the HSC. Like always, happy to answers any questions!
  6. scienceready

    Should I Handwrite or Type My Notes for HSC Chemistry/Physics?

    I believe there are many reasons to write notes even if reviewing Powerpoint slides seems to be enough right now. Writing your own notes in your own words will help you remember where content belongs. Using your teachers' powerpoints may be sufficient in the beginning but will become very...
  7. scienceready

    Should I Handwrite or Type My Notes for HSC Chemistry/Physics?

    Hi everyone, We just released a short guide to help you decide whether you should handwrite and type your notes 😊 Like always, ask any questions below!
  8. scienceready

    Study Guide for Module 6: Electromagnetism (READ BEFOREHAND)

    Hey Year 12s, We wrote a short guide to help you tackle Module 6: Electromagnetism. Many students find this module more challenging than Module 5: Advanced Mechanics due to numerous reasons, so in addition to the notes and videos on our website, we hope this guide will help further...
  9. scienceready

    Things that helped me improve in chemistry/physics (99.95 ATAR, no tutoring)

    We have practice questions / examples on most of our pages which intend to highlight the key take aways of each topic. We also have topic tests and practice exams you can purchase for every module. Many schools already have purchased our resources so I recommend checking with your teacher before...
  10. scienceready

    Things that helped me improve in chemistry/physics (99.95 ATAR, no tutoring)

    This is what worked for me: Scientific skills Keep detailed notes on your practicals throughout the term. It's beneficial to get your questions answered during the practicals themselves, as it might be harder to ask them later. In my notes, I actually had a separate section for practicals from...
  11. scienceready

    Things that helped me improve in chemistry/physics (99.95 ATAR, no tutoring)

    I contribute to reviewing the resource pages on the Science Ready website and preparation of new and upcoming videos. However, I am not the person who speaks in the videos.
  12. scienceready

    Things that helped me improve in chemistry/physics (99.95 ATAR, no tutoring)

    Hao Yu is my legal name 😂 If you think I'm impersonating, feel free to move on from this thread 😊
  13. scienceready

    Things that helped me improve in chemistry/physics (99.95 ATAR, no tutoring)

    There are more than one person operating this account on the forum and we cannot reflect the year everyone graduated on one account. I graduated in 2022. This is me. Sorry for the confusion, Donny