Recent content by shimmerme

  1. S

    what irritates you in the HSC exams?!?!

    damn, some of you guys had it bad. nothing really annoys me in our exams, i tend to tune out to the max. country town.. seems we got sent soft BOS people, cos they never checked our ID or anything, or stood near us. it was a little irritating when they stood real close together and...
  2. S


    thats exactly right. now what.
  3. S

    Commercial Cookery question

    well i hated this question- only cos i had to try and fit everything i knew into it.. legislation- OH&S and Food Act i talked about HACCP.. food poisoning.. the equpiment i only discussed as examples for important aspects of safe work, hygiene and maintenance.. half way through i...
  4. S

    POST- HSC anxiety

    yes yes. yes yes yes. i feel so weird!! like- what do i do now? all of a sudden i can do what i want without feeling guilty.. its so out of my control and i have nothing to do but worry about how i went. and i have no idea how those markers will mark. damn the hsc. damn it to hell...
  5. S


    first one- i made a vague point about dealing with so much money and making sure it is accounted for- employees not 'borrowing' it lol and secondly i had not pressuring people into gambling and making sure signs on addictions are displayed i think i should be feeling releived my exams are...
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    Hospitality Multiple Choice

    lol, true, my running writing is pretty big i didnt know any of that stuf lol! i just made it up *fingers crossed* i dont suppose anyone remembers or has a copy of the short answer questions? damn 100% assessment. damn it to hell
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    Hospitality Multiple Choice

    i did 11 or so for q 21 and 7 ish for 22 *vomits* shittty shit shit
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    Hospitality Multiple Choice

    for 21 i talked about bird flu, the australian dollar, terrorism, bombings.. umm multi culturalism.. the current 'work choices' legislation changes.. fuel prices.. and i did commercial cookery? .. so Q22 i was glad the question wasnt a mis-en-place one but my essay strcture was so dodgy...
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    Hospitality Multiple Choice

    and as for the hazard one... the OHS committees job is specifically to deal with hazards. thats why they are there. employees cant just go around applying their own remedies to hazards/ what did everyone think of the other questions? ..stupid gaming one i had no idea grr
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    Hospitality Multiple Choice

    jackass- aurora had the same as me/ below 0 hmm but food still deteriorates in the fridge someone who is standing still could be said to be moving slower then someone who is walking!! ..we might have to wait n see huh
  11. S

    Hospitality Multiple Choice

    mm jackcass 2---- ergh nooooooooooo dont say that. i want it to be A. (prays...) please be a, please be a... lol! how did u find the rest of the exam? im suprised noone else is on here talking about it
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    Hospitality Multiple Choice

    errrgh 1) B yep 2) B yep 3) D (not sure) yep definately 4) C yep 5) C yep 6) D umm i had d? but i was thinking maybe c...
  13. S

    hospitality extension

    actually... i think it does exist. i was reading through the tafe structures for all their different hospitality certificates and course modules and i do beleive i saw it mentioned there :rolleyes:
  14. S


    delayed response lol units of competency THHCORO3A and THHHCOO1A >> we had this question is our trial. according to my textbook.. THHCORO3B is following health safety and security procedures and THHC001B is develop and update iundustry knowledge.. these would be the two core...
  15. S

    Crime Fiction

    i used anil's ghost. i loved it. other texts i used for essay- big sleep, real inspector hound, mousetrap, hound of the baskervilles and ruth rendells irony of hate. fit it all in by discussing one element of crime fiction in relation to each of them- eg mystery as a vehicle for other...