I use my iPad exclusively at Uni - it's great for lecture notes (instead of printing them A4) and for taking notes in other lectures - the onscreen keyboard is perfectly useable for that once you get used to it. The battery easily lasts all day, it has 3G for when uniwide doesn't work (again)...
I tried out the Windows 8 preview - it's totally jarring going between Metro and the normal desktop. They need to get that worked out - and Metro kinda works with keyboard and mouse, but it would be a total pain having to use it all the time, I think.
I love my iPad 2 - it's super handy in uni lectures to have the slides/lecture notes/questions on, as well as obviously being there to quickly look something up, etc. I don't plan to upgrade to the new model yet - I'll probably get the next model though.
Well, looks like you're stuck with Optus regardless... but in my experience living on the mid-north coast and now in Sydney, Telstra has a significantly better network than Optus - both in coverage and speed. In metro Sydney you should get 2100MHz 3G with Telstra if you go that way - but of...
Sorry, I don't have Office 11 so can't try it out -- but I can't imagine it'd be much different to set up.
I've found that if you fill in the email address field with your 'name' address (e.g. a.b.surname@student.unsw.edu.au) it will let you send emails from that address instead of the z1234567...
A roundabout is the same as any other road. You can change lanes wherever you want as long as those (longer or otherwise) broken lines exist (in NSW, at least) - there is a Road Rule relating to indicating when changing lanes in a roundabout, thus is is evidently legal to change lanes:
No particular order:
Life On Mars
Ashes to Ashes (sadly all three of these have now finished)
Top Gear
Doctor Who (2005)
Ice Pilots NWT
I have all of each of the above in my iTunes, except Ice Pilots (the torrents' quality is far too shit to bother keeping).
1. Open Settings > Mail, contacts, calendars and hit 'Add Account', then Exchange.
2. Fill in both the email address AND username field with your address in the format: z1234567@zmail.unsw.edu.au
3. Your password is NOT your zpass. Go to zmail.unsw.edu.au/getpass and enter your zpass...