One possible answer could involve truancy rates amongst young Indigenous Australians, especially in the Northern Territory. These Australians are often forced to skip school in order to earn an income to help support themselves and their family, however the mere fact that they are not in school...
Hey hun!
Yeah I've been using
It's pretty cheap considering the amount of content they give you including notes and they've been really good at answering my qs. I think they've even got a 10% discount going on rn
I've been using, heard of it from a mate.
They haven't got a lot of courses up there as yet but I heard that the tutors are really good. And I like that i can learn ahead lol
Hey dude
I reckon using more up to date stats and contrasting them between different time periods would add to ur report. I like to use ABS and the Productivity Commission as they're the most reliable stats. You can also talk about quarterly and monthly trends rather than just year to year.