I think I am the Queen of Procrasti-Nation I too am jumping the gun, spent the whole first week filling out uni things and getting excited for post HS life that I too was jumping the gun as I need a good ATAR and it won't happen with no study I'm just so sick of HSC after trials...
why commerce?
you could just pursue one of those degrees, then do another course right after (although will end up spending many years in uni..)
do you know how summer/winter school works at unis?
i had to use an online pdf to jpg converter, then print all the jpgs i had in to one pdf, then rotate them using an application... so annoying
which did you apply for? how many?
lol.. hopefully the ones i was filling out still let mine in as i was still able to submit them!!
rushed an application in ~5 mins and scanned everything 10 mins prior organising them in to 1 pdf.