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  • I'm doing 2U Music, 2U Economics, 2U Physics, 2U Chemistry and 2U English - though I might move up to 3U English...

    I'm really lazy though ^__^
    so I'm not doing great at any of them...

    so used to just doing jack all, and still topping the class, but now you actually have to put effort in just to keep up XD

    soo yeah... that was fun to figure out... ^__^

    O.O wow... that took up 3 posts XD I write ALOT! sorry ^__^
    Ummm, IGS is alright, as far as schools go.
    They've got a pretty good music program, and stuff, but they are pretty pretentious ^__^

    I think we ARE the ones with the green uniforms. XD
    Well... the primary kids anyway. High-school is grey and white. - I don't really know for certain, I never wear it properly anyway ^__^

    Well, it's not all boys, so I doubt it's the one you are thinking about ^__^
    It's pretty exclusive, but I'm pretty good at bullshitting my way through interviews, I'm not actually very clever ^__^

    My maths is appauling! I mean REALLY bad! XD
    There are kids in year 7 who are a hundred times better at maths than I am :p and I'm not even joking!
    I just dropped 2 unit maths cuz it was making absolutely ZERO sense to me ^__^

    Hahaha, chemistry is a cinche though ^__^ in fact, I find all the sciences pretty easy - Phys is the hardest cuz it has lots of maths in it.
    Well, I barely know any of those bands/ artists you mentioned...
    And nope, not that song either.
    I'm completely removed from popular music ^__^ I can't even stand to listen to the radio!
    Even the stations that consider themselves 'alternative' always seem to be pumping out the same repetitive shit. If I do listen to it, I always find myself listening to the classical stations in hope they'll play something serialist or modernist, or even just some proper free jazz.

    XD don't... you won't like them... They are essentially all about the drummer... (which is something that you wont like if you're not into death metal or free jazz) and how he has 8 minute long epileptic fits over his kit XD
    Hahaha, yeah, it's completely retarded ^__^

    XD There's no point, you wouldn't know any of them, just like I don't know any of those that you mentioned.

    We just exist on opposite ends of the music spectrum, in with completely different crowds ^__^

    Like, no doubt it would shock you that I don't l know who ... Idk.. one republic are, but it would shock me if someone had not heard of Dying Fetus ('The fathers of Grindcore' if anyone asks ^__^)
    Having an appreciation for something despite not actually enjoying listening to it is all that (if not more than) I could ask of you or anyone else - I'm not trying to make anyone 'like' the same things as me, merely accept, acknowledge, and embrace the value of them. Congratulations on having an open mind :]

    Yeah, I think people have a tendency to over-analyze things... you should see the sub-genres in metal! XD you can get things as obscure as like... Progressive Tech-Death grindcore-influenced cyber-screamo XD how ridiculous is that!?!? To me, there's metal and heavy metal XD simple as that... There's rock, and hard rock, there's punk and old-school punk XD it's simple, and people know what I'm talking about ^_^ I don't see the need for over-elaborate classification. (unless you need to be REALLY specific - In which case, just relate it to another band ie: "It sounds like Electic Wizzard played by someone with a REALLY short attention span") ^__^
    All I can say is, metal brings me pleasure, jazz brings me pleasure, blues can, sometimes, and pop doesn't. *shrug* who knows why, but that's just how I work, and so, I'm glad metal exists
    Hahaha, well it's all a matter of taste.
    I, as a musician, adore death metal, because from a purely technical point of view it is rivaled only by free jazz in the level of complexity and the demand it makes upon its musicians - Yes, even the singers! XD Think about it this way, even if you think the sounds they are making are retarded, Can you make them? I know music is about far more than the level of complexity, and I know that is certainly not what makes for a good song, but I don't know how else to describe music without bringing in any level of subjectivity into it :/
    Hahaha, Judge Judy obviously doesn't listen to death metal - in reference to the quote in your "about me" page.
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