Recent content by strangeone

  1. S

    any bi/lesbian girls in the western sydney area???

    hey gals im gonna be organinsing a meetup if anyone is interested in the next month or so so please let me know if you are interested!
  2. S

    Bi/Lesbian Social Meetup

    hi Everyone! I posted on this forum ages ago about a bi/lesbian meetup for anyone who was interested and i thought about it again today and thought why not? So i was thinking next month once everyones exams and such are over a get together could be planned soo if you are interested reply...
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    Ipod Help

    hi umm ok i had to reboot my computer and i reinstalled itunes - n now when i plug in my ipod mini it wont let me put on songs/update my ipod - n when i put the niumber in it says it belong to another ipod - what do i do???????????? i needddddddddddddd my musicccccc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanx...
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    MSNMessenger HELP

    hey i need some help with msn i want to use automessage - so when im away it says like sms if u want me - but cant figure out how :( its sooooo frustrating - how do i get it to work?? HELP PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
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    GLBT clubs

    anyone got one of these at their uni and how does it run? thanx
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    New Club On Campus

    Hello everyone this thread is the announcement of a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW CLUB featuring on your strathfield campus gAyCU - It's a new club for those of you on campus who are Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Bi or just plain curious - whether you are in out or stuck halfway in the closet - it doesnt...
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    Activities at ACU

    Hey :) at ACu theres always heaps of stuff happening we have lunchtime sport as well as Uni Games that we compete in, during the week theres bingo we also have had harbour crusies, and every year we have a uni ball :) it totally rocks!! there are also regualr social nights out theres one during...
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    Lesbians n relationships

    not all sex has to produce offspring and beisdes look at the world tpday why would u want to bring a child into it? besides if u do want a child why not adopt one - much better to give a child a loving home :) and if we go by what you say that means that ppl have sex should have children -...
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    Bi or Lesbian in Sydney

    hey if any girls are interested in meetin up one weekend just as a social thing have lunch or whatever let me know - me n my gf are always up for meetin new people :D
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    Lesbians n relationships

    withoutaface i think u should be called without a brain - you really are an ignorant SOB, same goes for the other guys who have posted on this thread u are complete and utter morons. sex is an act of love and communication between two people be it female/female, male/male, ir male/female - just...
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    any bi/lesbian girls in the western sydney area???

    hey ppl im a lesbian in western sydney and i can relate about how hard it is to find other lesbians "out here" so to speak lol im interested in meeting up if u wanna go for coffee or see a movie or whatever - feel free to contact me thru here. snaps to purple fruit loop!! u go girl!!
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    Lesbians n relationships

    Hi ppls, ok me n my gf have been geetin really close lately and we are about ready to take things to the next level tho im a bit worried cause shes been with her ex's b4 and she will be my first - i really wanna pls her n make her feel as good as she makes me feel - anyone got any advice n or...
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    Bi or Lesbian in Sydney

    Like i said in a previous post - no prejudical or homophbic comments - all it does is show your immaturity!
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    bi or lesbian girls @ ACU strathfield

    Its good 2 c others from different campuses taking an interest. If they are interested about starting up a similar group @ your campus get them to contact me here and maybe we could organise a cross campus group.
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    Bi or Lesbian in Sydney

    Hey thanx for the info 1time - if u have anymore info on it or if anyone else does pls post it on the thread! Thanx