Recent content by SuPeRaM

  1. S

    Ambition HAS ARRIVED!

    eh well who cares whats done cannot be undone. cheers.
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    Ambition HAS ARRIVED!

    -------------------->>> r e a d t h i s p p l <<<------------------------ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ maaaan i just found out ambition was 18+ and bloody oaf that sux hardcore... it just burns me how this whole thing was built up on the "after HSC party" theme and...
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    Colesmyer - Kmart

    yeah ay i wanna start work now... if u think about it.. the process took so bloody long... since july or watever... and now we r free they wait but for what?! its meant to b a christmas casual job and xmas is in like 2days (figure of speach) but sheesh... im like the rest of yaz and farout im...
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    Exam 2003

    blue... yeah man i used Colin McCahon and his spiritual discovery crap... then i did Gordon Bennet and Imants Tillers since both of them hav appropriated works by McCahon... they inturn are discovering their own subject matter differently... etc etc... it fit in ok... wat'd u do?
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    Exam 2003

    yeah it wasnt too bad... same old art analysis blah blah for section one... section 2 was ok... i chose question 10 about that discovery crap of artists and evoking those feelings to their audiences etc etc... EXCEPT I DIDNT FINISH!!! =/ pisses me off.... i wrote about 7full pages and only got...
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    Who here got nominated for art express?

    so very true... i know i'l keep expressing thru art until the last day on thie earth... with or without recognition... heyy guys did yaz chceck my work by the way? an earlier post on this topic... page1...
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    Bow Pics

    hey ppl well i didnt get in the pre-selection for art-express... major bummer... but ah.. i posted my B.O.W. on the "Who here got nominated for art express thread" finally scanned em n' put it together... tell me wat yaz think... cheers...
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    Who here got nominated for art express?

    hey everyone.... yeah i didnt get pre-selected for art express :( major major bummer coz i always wanted to get in since little ol' yr f*cken 7 lol oh well... i just hope i still get a band 6 for it... coz i remembered that art express is all about theme aswell... soooo doesnt mean those who...
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    The Visual Arts HSC paper soon... nervous?

    natstar isnt scaring anyone man... well that aint her intention.. i think she's only trying to help since she was a hsc art student last yr and she got a pretty decent mark for it... i dunno, i find her advice quite helpful... but yeah section one shud be ok... everyone has their own thing...
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    The Visual Arts HSC paper soon... nervous?

    oh well i had it saved after that! lol hehe more help for me :) hey wats ur email by the way? u and msn user perhaps?
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    The Visual Arts HSC paper soon... nervous?

    okay.... so my first msg did work... KINDA~! wtf... i typed a whole essay practically... ehhh im lost... dont mind me.
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    The Visual Arts HSC paper soon... nervous?

    shit i typed a full massive reply and it fucked up... stupid backspace didnt save my msg... anyways i basically sed thanx heaps natstar... ur a ledgende and yes u helped me heaps with that... cant believe u wrote so much unless that "strat-plan" was already saved on ur comp! lol but its all...
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    The Visual Arts HSC paper soon... nervous?

    heyy natstar... can i just say sumthing? "FFFFAAAAAAAAARRRRRRROOOOUUTTTT!" thanx heaps! lol cant believe u typed that much for me :) unless u had it saved sumwhere for urself... but hey... huge help anyway! *errmm... sum1s gonna kill the art hsc exam* hehe good work... now i know how much...
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    The Visual Arts HSC paper soon... nervous?

    hey everyone... ok well im kinda nervous but only because of what i hav prepared for... i.e. is it enuf?! hows every1 else goin in terms of being "ready"? i know theres tonnes of past papers ya end up doing etc but for me... its just memorising everything thats the problem... SECTION I -...