Recent content by sweet_as

  1. sweet_as

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread Bullshit. There is still a massive gap in the centre of Australian politics that needs to be filled. It sure as hell ain't The Greens.
  2. sweet_as

    Australian Politics

    Re: Australian Politics Chatter Thread For a National, Lawrence Springborg is alright. He would make a decent Premier, although I am opposed to a Liberal National Merger. I'd rather crush the Nats
  3. sweet_as

    Liberal party leadership speculation (already)

    Voting Green doesn't get anything done.
  4. sweet_as

    Voting at 16

    I used to be a member of the Democrats - and from memory they were the only party to advocate voting at 16. This is out of the Democrats Youth Policy (found on the Young Democrats website) 2. Work to lower the age of enfranchisement to 16, with voluntary enrolment until 18, and compulsory...
  5. sweet_as

    So You Think You Can Dance (Australia)

    The tallish girl from Perth was very very good.
  6. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    You are not represented by the apology, the government is. Not the Australian people.
  7. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Re: Young Liberal / Young Labour In other words, don't let Australia become like Marrickville Council.
  8. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Re: Young Liberal / Young Labour I would join the Liberals before joining Labor. I value the freedom of the individual and free enterprise.
  9. sweet_as

    The Football Thread

    Re: The Official A-League Thread. The game is to be played in Sydney so more Central Coast/Newcastle fans can see the game? There is no stadium outside of Sydney in NSW that is above 25000 capacity. Ticketing priority will still go to Newcastle/CCM, whoever wins. So tell me, which is...
  10. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Hmm, I think the fundie vote goes to the Christian Democratic Party in NSW. Now, there is a man that annoys me more than Steve Fielding - Fred Nile. At least Gordon Moyes isn't as extreme as Nile. I still maintain that Andrew was really a Liberal that went to Family First to beef up his resume.
  11. sweet_as

    Aussie Politics Laments - Democrats

    Unfortunate result for the Dems at the election, but knew it was coming. Time to rebuild though, and change. Not allow the shit that happened before to happen again.
  12. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Poor Andrew. He was by far the most popular Lower House candidate for a Minor Party. I think Family First are dead in NSW though. Really, they got outpolled by the Democrats, that says something.
  13. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    :D I don't think there is an official youth wing of the Greens. We tried to make contact with them last year to form a minor party debate, with Youth First. Never got off the ground though, as Youth First died.
  14. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    Are there any members of Labor or The Greens here?
  15. sweet_as

    Young Liberal / Young Labor

    I'm a Young Democrat (YAD). I ran as a candidate in last year's election. Things are looking very ordinary for us at the moment, but I am still proud to have stood for the same party that Don Chipp founded 30 years ago. All is needed for a YAD meeting is a bar. Good Times.