Just found this old thread of mine, and thought I would update you all as to how I am going. I ended up with 42 in Ex 1, bit disappointing but I was ranked second, and ended up with a much higher exam mark than assessment mark (ended up with the same overall mark as the girl who was ranked...
Just found this old thread of mine, and thought I would update you all as to how I am going. I ended up with 42 in Ex 1, bit disappointing but I was ranked second, and ended up with a much higher exam mark than assessment mark (ended up with the same overall mark as the girl who was ranked...
So, got trial for legal studies this week and have been told by the teacher that the long crime question (~25marks) is on plea bargaining.
Anyone have any good past paper questions or just various plea bargaining questions for me to get some practice?
Most likely be just something along the...
My trials start next week, first year my school has had them term 3 instead of midway through next term like normal.
I do think it is a good idea, I did accelerated maths so did HSC last year for that, having trials in August like normal, after you've finished the trials it is SOOOOO hard to get...
My class (of two:P) is pretty close to finishing complex numbers. Up to geometrical represention and products/quotients. Then there's only locus problems and we're done!!
Polynomials next :)
Haha yeah, I know i don't need that much detail for the sylabus dot point. And yes, I've seen the UNSW site on it too :p
We're doing an in class assessment on batteries and comparing different types (in detail). So I'm doing lead-acid and vanadium redox cells. Thanks for the help anyway. :)
Does anyone have a good diagram of a vanadium redox cell?
Would be greatly appreciated. None of the ones on google are really doing it for me.
Also, does this sound like a suitable explanation for the cell chemistry in a vanadium redox cell? Is it understandable?:p
The electrolyte is a...
Lol. Don't worry, this isn't a problem. I go to a small country school (500 students roughly) and my extension 2 class will consist of me and only one other person. None of my friends even did extension 1:p
Thanks for all the advice and encouragement guys. I'm keen to do well now :)
I think i worded my first post badly. I got 60% in the trials with minimal work throughout the whole year, and between the trials and the HSC I re-learnt basically the whole course. I got nearly all of question 7 out in the exam, all of question 6 etc so pretty sure I will get an E4.
I am...
I'm hoping for a UAI of over 95. Rank doesn't really come into play at my school as for 3 unit this year there was 2 people in my class (small country school) and as I really didn't put the effort in early in the year I am coming second, (but beat the other person in the last few tests including...
I appreciate all your thoughts and concern that 60% is probably not good enough. I believe I could do much better as like i said, it only really kicked in how important it all is towards the end of this year, and by that stage I had done very little work throughout the year, and was extremely...
Title says it all. I have just started year 12, but have completed 2 unit and extension one maths by acceleration, so had final exams today and tomorrow. I now have the option of picking up extension 2 maths, but am not sure whether to do it or not. I have lots of natural ability in maths (got...