Yeah it should be alright, i'll just mull it over a bit over the week. Ohhh yeah I have heard of the notorious Jess, but I heard to the contrary-I actually heard she was a bit of a noob at life??! Not that awesome (;
Anyways heyheyhey jessxxr, this method of talking is kinda tedious in my...
I have to say you have chosen very well my friend ;)-OmGeee we Cn Totes b BfFls 4eVa and eVa in our lecturesssss.
Anyways.... I'm also tossing up between worl pol and intro to pol. science. I've heard a couple of bad things about world pol being really repetitive and stuff but i'm also afraid...
ohhh I see, my sincerest apologies, I was running on about 5 hours sleep--not at my most alert- so I must of missed you D: And I also spent about 15 minutes trying to find the law annex thing then realised there was a super huge arrow pointing right to it-smart one Jake...
Yeah I'm not sure...
I would love to go as far in post-grad study as possible and progress into academia in Political Economy or Sociology, but i'm not too sure how viable such a job would be--just taking the ridiculous academic job cuts that USYD is currently undergoing as an example.
It was pretty good yeah, I think I was waaaaaayyy more prepared than most people there =\ hahaha. Some chick next to me han no idea what subjects she wanted to consider doing, so I think mine must've went a bit better than hers lawl. But uhh yeah I spent way too much time there though, I ended...
Re: 2012 USYD Chatter Thread
What I gathered from it was they just help you settle in and show you around the campus and keep in touch with you etc. Not particularly amazing, but why not I guess.
Plus you get a head start on meeting all the babin' Arts kids--who are doing your degree/similar...
Re: 2012 USYD Chatter Thread
Yeah i'll probably end up doing it, I can't really find a good enough reason why not to.
And yeah I kind of picked up that something wasn't all-right with him--he sounded a bit off, and he admitted he went pretty hard last night. Just what I like to hear.
This. I wish there was some sort of left-wing group that wasn't attached to some sectarian nutter Trotskyist party like Socialist Alternative/Solidarity/Resistance but I think it's not to be!
In any case, I'll probably end up joining the Amnesty International soc, the Political Economy soc...
Re: 2012 USYD Chatter Thread
Soooooo of the arts students here--who signed up for the mentoring program? I'm still debating whether it's worthwhile or not haha.
Also, some arts mentor dude jumped me and was spamming me about a camp they have in the first couple of weeks and there's lots and...
Re: USYD Roll Call 2012
Well how exciting! Isn't our glorified Arts degree just the best?
I'll be sure to look for someone with a 'jessxxr' sign at the enrolment tomorrow....kidding haha.
Semester 1:
ECOP1001 - Economics as a Social Science
SCLG1001 - Introduction to Sociology 1
GOVT1105 - Geopolitics
HSTY1045 - Modern European History 1750-1914
Semester 2:
ECOP1003 - International Economy and Finance
SCLG1002 - Introduction to Sociology 2
GOVT1104 - Introduction...