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  • swapping was easy
    the application was the same except I didn't need my university/school to fill in a "predicted ATAR" form because I already had my atar which was over the cutoff

    The program is fine, but tbh you can't be picky. Just take whatever offer into medicine you can get that is closest to your house, basically.
    every medical school in Australia is accredited and there is no difference in the job opportunities you will get from UWS V. any other uni in NSW
    so my advice to you is, the program does not matter. If you really want to be a doctor, even if the uni you go to has an awful program (most med schools tbh) you will put up with it to finish.
    there is no such thing as a "transfer" unless you have done another AMC-accredited course - then transfers can be considered (i.e. partly completing medicine elsewhere, or completing Dentistry)

    you will not get any units transferred
    5 years
    a lot of people in second year now have full undergrad degrees (3-4 year degrees)

    the first year will help you with content, but otherwise it isn't useful
    you don't "repeat first year med"
    first year med is a lot more difficult than first year medical science

    swapping from medsc at usyd to mbbs at uws if you get the offer is a good idea
    because if you finish medsc you might not get into grad med
    and 1 year of medsc + 5 years med = 6 years uni
    3 years medsc + 4 years med = 7 years uni
    6 years is the shortest time you can take now that you've been rejected the first time
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