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  • i was one point off of the course i want at usyd

    by one point off i mean i got an 89/100 in eng adv
    if i got that band 6 i would have enough points for selection rank
    if u know me from school and u see my BOS profile... no u dont... i do not exist... i ceased to exist after graduation...

    AS*A THIS IS DIRECTED TO U :guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar:
    some1 posted the UGLIEST pic of me today on their story but its ok because im graduating and no one will ever see my face again likely :angel: kinda blessed?
    finished all my trials last week so i have this entire week off but lowkey watching the japan vs Italy volleyball olympics is making me more stressed than any other trial exam ive done lol
    byebye rank 6/56 modern history:biglaugh:

    i just literally rewrote history because apparently the battle of stalingrad didn't happen in 1943... whups
    life update: i did really good in modern history and basically got the same mark i have gotten for every. single. assessment. in modern history this year - so im still rank 6 which i have been for the ENTIRE YEAR! i havent improved or gotten worse 💀 idk if its a good or bad thing
    I miss year 10 when I would play video games on a school night with all my friends without feeling guilty that I wasn't studying in that moment :( It doesn't help that I go to a different highschool than all those friends so I barely interact with them anymore since we are all so busy with the HSC... Year 9-10 really were the golden years
    Today at UTS Library I think someone tried recruiting me into a cult :oops:
    What were they doing/saying
    it was like some international korean students(?) who were asking me questions about god and stuff and what i think my purpose in life was... and i initially said yes cuz i thought it was for a school project then they tried getting my social media (i said no), invited me to an event for "friends and family" and asked to take a photo of me...
    tbh i think she genuinely meant well and it wasn't a cult but maybe just a youth religious group? in general i try and stay away from those though because i have heard stories about shincheonji and other bad-practice religious groups that target young people at universities in recent years; i was mostly joking about the cult thing tho her actions were sus but maybe just culture differences
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