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  • sorry that i didnt post the playlist i couldnt get it to work...

    yall im starting the photo a day for a year or whatever trend... wish me luck LOL gonna track my hair growth i guess...
    i'll update my signature then i guess LOL since i'm not doing physics.

    also i have just discovered timelapses of ftm people on yt (like those photo a day for 10 years ones)
    so idk if any of yall have heard of WorldSkills (I hadn't until like last week) but anyway it’s a competition for people doing VET subjects and like if you win the national one you go to Paris? and i seem to have won the 'regional' one for IDT but apparently im not guarenteed a place at the state one?

    anyway ill keep you updated if i go to a state level one. If i win that i get to go to brisbane…
    i think they're gonna make me do distance ed for one of my subjects because it clashes with my accelerated FUCK... the other accelerated kids are being called one by one i think im cooked
    FUCK NOOOOOOOOO Modern and Physics clash FUCK ME
    i really wanted to do both bruhhhhh i can pick either modern or physics and one of the following:
    Shavi Masee
    Shavi Masee
    do you enjoy history/physics topic rn? how good are you at it?
    ancient is still similar to history, but dif year yh. Do you like recent history or the old old stuff?
    Ur already taking software and IDT right (both are like computing stuff --i think--so would u be okay with adding another engineering on top?)
    honest i probably want to keep modern idk maybe i could do ancient instead of modern
    but if I'm keeping physics i guess id probably do ancient
    idk but probably phys + ancient or modern + engineering
    not my mum saying something like 'come out to me again' when i sent her a gay image or something

    like girl i haven't come out once 🤪
    i didnt realise transnistria was an actual place and then i googled it and the first article said something about how theyre supportive of russia (not surprising given background)

    i also got reminded of honduras... 🇭🇳 its like a bos blue
    growing my hair takes sooo long 😔

    gaaaaay where my lgbt gang at

    @Squar3root follow me back
    • Like
    Reactions: MengyuShan
    omg now i know who his profile picture is, i just started watching 13 reasons why
    omg same with queen root
    present!!! but also currently having a Time bc one of the games ive been waiting for to come out on switch has been delayed for another few months (during 2nd term of y11) and im gonna jump if i have to wait until the end of hsc to play it
    just fully submitted cluster 3 (IDT) so that feels good
    Except that to stop procrastinating i had to have one of my parents sit next to me and like monitor my screen
    so now i just have to do my entire english assignment while they're away on a work trip....
    • Sad
    Reactions: isho-3
    honestly so real,,,, i've only like. started writing my 1200 word creative writing project for english just this friday. it is due on tuesday. i am currently in an executive dysfunction hell even though yesterday i was going so good and so fast. currently procrastinating by doomscrolling but hopefully we'll pull through this!!!!!! i just need my heart and head to stop hurting whenever i try to write more.
    guys i think i'm gonna have to kms
    Personally, I prefer communism.
    man shut the fuck up
    Shavi Masee
    Shavi Masee
    Gasp* did I just witness johnathon saying that to you :eek:
    And when I grew up, she showed me how to go downtown
    In the night time her face lit up, so astoundin'
    And I told her in my heart is where she always be
    Knew I was gang affiliated, got on TV and told on me
    I guess it's why last winter she got so cold on me
    She said, 'Ye keep makin' that (I'm comin' home again)
    Keep makin' that platinum and gold for me
    I got my science results back

    89/90 btw
    would you guess what they took a mark off for?
    the science teacher 'failed' the winograd schema (look it up i don't have enough characters)
    Guys wish me luck I've got my IDT prelim at 9:10 to 11:10... I'll update you at the end of it because I've got to study for my software engineering exam tomorrow afterwards 😭💀
    • Sad
    Reactions: isho-3
    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!! praying lady luck be on your side for the exams to come,,,,,,,,,,
    because the post is too long apparently
    ok well i got 70/80 so bruh
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