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  • I hate to break it to you, well I don't but that's not the point.

    While being the mysterious intellectual is an awesome position to be in, you fail so just stop trying, please.

    I'll point out where you went wrong,
    "You look like your easily influenced. When do I get to test my theory?"

    Elaboration is a beautiful thing and the only thing that remark did was make you seem mentally deficient.

    Also, when attempting to make a thesis the person should be intelligent enough to recognize when they have bad grammar. (That's you if you can't tell.)

    And you can't tell if a person can be influenced easily by checking their posts or some other form of e-stalking. You can guess but from what I've seen you'll just fail miserably.

    So please, stop propositioning young females.
    Haha really, I also like Gloria Jeans better. As for meeting up, only if it's your shout.
    Haha well, you areee creepy. Who starts a convo with "you seem easily influenced lemme test my theory" and then refuses to elaborate? I was curious before but now I'm just annoyed.
    Go away.
    Not to be mean or anything but this is kind of creepy. After paying a visit to your profile you also said the exact same thing to Divinity_
    What do you want from us?
    You and I don't stand anywhere at the moment, really. I'm part of your "theory" is all I can gather. I'm curious though, what did you want from me?
    Lolol you are not my life, just my curiosity. Why so ambiguous?
    Ok I guess I'm in then.
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