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  • Hahaha I told you I was a bad boy ^__^

    :D HAHAHAHA! N'awwww! That was soooo fuckin adorable! :pPPP
    HAHAHAHA! I can't stop laughing ^__^ XD

    You were all "hands or no hands..." XD


    I'll make you a guitar one when I can ^__^
    Though naturally, this doesn't mean either of us get to not do it for real next weekend :p
    ^__^ I blushed over the thought of it myself XD
    Well... IDK if I actually blush...
    I've never seen myself blush in a mirror XD
    Do I actually turn red...?
    *shrugs* lol no idea :p

    Ahh, fair enough.
    Mardi Gras is what my mates and I use as an excuse to hit on straight people.
    It kinda bothers me that just about everyone in the parade is straight.
    So frankly, they deserve any freaking-out that I give them :]

    N'awwww ^__^ U vurry kewt!
    It's enticement for us both not to get too fucked up ^__^
    :D woop woop! Townie sing for me all nakey and such! Woop woop!
    wait, my bos-stalking powers have told me that you're in a relationship for serz with meeatu. i thought he was a troll. awww im happy for you loveable bear <3
    @hiphophooray123 Rawr! *grabs nearest heavy object* :p

    :] I'll make sure I'm free next weekend.
    We can haz teh cuddles!
    I'll probably be spending Mardi Gras with some mates, it's kinda a sacred ritual of ours to get ourselves fucked up and party all night on Mardi Gras, so how about sunday?

    Family thing was shit lol, kept me away from you, remember? :p

    :] hahahaha, only if you sing for me :p
    I'm sorry sweetheart, I can't make it today.
    But let's definately meet up next week.
    I'm really missing you :/
    P.P.S. Can play the last one :]

    Now you get why the whole accoustic guitar/singing/playing hallelujah thing wasn't working so well for me XD
    To counter:
    YouTube - Gallows - Orchestra of Wolves
    YouTube - Pantera - Fucking Hostile
    YouTube - Lamb of God- Redneck

    True Classics =]
    :p you dirty old faggot ^__^
    Ack! I just got told that I have a family thing that I can't avoid tomorrow too >_< It'll be early afternoon, so unless you want to meet up early... >__< Fuck my Family!

    Sorry love :/
    Hahaha shall I go for something a tiny bit scarrier now?
    Work your way up? :p

    hmmm... how about...
    The Birthday Party!
    It's the band I showed you on the bus, but another song.
    YouTube - The Birthday Party - Happy Birthday
    Or... alternatively...
    YouTube - The DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN - "Black Bubblegum"

    Mind, both of these are still very relaxed and calm for my music lol :p

    Ur turn! Ur turn! Convert me to pop!

    p.s. expect a private message.
    Ummm, neither.
    They just gave me a little glare.
    And I was like "what...? It was valentines day!" :p

    I'll have to ask my mates, I would have today, but I was home with a cold.
    I'll ask them tomorrow, and tell you if I'm free.
    Be warned though...
    I tend to get myself fucked up on Mardi gras.

    :] I don't mind powdwerfinger, and I like Missy Higgins muchly :]

    Ummm... *thinks of some of my music that you might not hate completely*
    start with something easy to get into :p
    Mammal! YouTube - THE MAJORITY - Mammal
    Yeah......see, we just find that shit really, really funny.

    Mm, that did come out of my mouth, didn't it?..I really do fear the awkward silences....but yeah, I'm honestly not that keen.
    Lol, what can I say? I needed to get some quotes, its a good laugh for Matt and myself. XD

    That, and I was DYING to see what you two would say about us running into each other, you didn't say anything which was a little disappointing. Tsk tsk..
    Hahaha stop putting me up on some pedestal, love.
    As much as you might deny it, and as much as you all too often make me almost forget it with all your wonderfulness... I'm only human. And I WILL dissappoint you in some ways. Even if you shrug them off.
    XD hahaha well, I got my moneys worth :p

    lol, sorry, I'll stop it incase anyone takes me seriously lol :p

    XD Well, you are very complementable ^__^

    I can hardly blame him!

    Oh hush...
    Adonis my arse!
    jeez I still can't rep you! Some of the stuff you say in CM is great.
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