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  • I'd really like that...
    I'll ask my parents if I can...
    (well... I'll ask them if I can sleep-over at Julias' place... They don't need to worry... they always freak out when I'm with guys, even ones as straight as an arrow :p)
    Hahaha indeed, afternoon trysts are a distinct possibility if u don't mind me sweaty, tired, grumpy and in school uniform :p
    Sounds like a Pedo's wet dream XD
    But really, not all that pleasant...
    Then again... I can always bring a change of clothes and deo 2 school, which at leasts eliminates the uniform, sweat and smell ^.^
    Plus... I don't immagine after-school grumpiness lasting long in your presence :p
    :p I immagine you're quite good at that.
    Cuz I have a pretty epic gaydar, and you were only a tiny blip on it.
    But then again, maybe that is coz it was being swamped by stef and Richard Faggotry XD

    Though why you bother eludes me...?
    Is your boss a woman?
    Cuz that's how I've got most of my jobs XD
    having a female fag-hag boss :p
    That, or a gay guy as a boss.
    Sympathy employment FTMFW!

    Ummm... School's alright, I get to come in at 11:40 on Mondays from now on, which will be nice :] And on wednesdays, I have a 3 and a half hour break between four periods XD and on fridays, I get to leave at 1Pm or something. so yeah XD Pretty epic timetable :]

    Hahaha don't worry about my insomnia, love, I've been dealing with it my whole life, I'm used to it ^_^ - Though don't let it rub off onto you. It can be a real bitch when it makes your lungs go to hell, or your nose bleed incessantly.
    hey Townie. Work is good. Doing 4 weeks 3IC relief after 4 weeks of night supervisor relief (2 weeks to go) and CSM said he will continue to train me in 3IC after that and see what happens. My mum has gone back to her store =D yayayay!

    I GOT A HAIR CUT! Long-ish hair...never again! More recent photos put on ma photobucketzz.

    How are YOU?
    Possibly laughing WITH drunk people? :p

    I won't be able to talk all that much once school starts (tomorrow >__<) anyway :/
    Will definately miss you and the wonderment and joy that you bring :p

    *hugs tightly*
    Hahahaha I'm not being a;ll that succsesfull at it...

    :3 we can giggle at the drunk gay guys together!
    How romantic XD
    I figured as much, love.
    I'm fairly experienced at dating, but absolutely shit in bed XD

    o_O You're not...?
    You don't go to Oxford St enough then :p
    guys on Oxford St would go nuts for you XD
    I'd have to fight them off in order to keep you lol

    P.S. Stef: Rawr! i can be macho biznich! XD
    Lol, I am not for a threesome either...or foursome as guess-who said....unless I'm just the one watching, it is pretty amusing because as you said, it's quite messy (exhibit A: CAKE!)

    It's okay, I'd be the girl as well.....I think we'd all be girls in a way actually, I don't think any of us are all that macho..XD
    A long, long, long time...? o_O *can scarcely immagine how you mannaged to keep the men at bay with looks like yours*

    Hahaha then that's what we will have to do sometime again XD sit together on a barrier, dangerously close to oncomming traffic :p

    I enjoyed it too really.
    our little cuddle :3
    and the girl on the other side of the road staring at us XD
    (I notice these things)
    *kiss on lips*
    You are so very charming and sweet :]
    >_< but I suck at e-stalking... I'm much better at real stalking.
    I'm a pro at climbing through peoples balconie windows!
    Stef has seen me climb, he'll vouch for me lol.
    but you have the advantage over me here lol
    moderator status and a knowledge of how the site works >.<

    Hurray for being a little old-fashioned with our hearts! XD

    I didn't notice it so much then, but the last time I met up with him, and we were chatting about previous boyfriends and stuff, it was really quite blarringly obvious...

    (stef, if you read this, I'm sorry, but it's true.)

    but yes, of course he is a sweetheart, I wouldn't hang out with him if he didn't have plenty of things to compensate for that one thing I dislike about him.

    Well... maybe...
    but I consider myself the luckiest of all four of us from how it all worked out.
    and I mean that wholeheartedly.
    You are beautiful to me, not just on the inside, but on the outside as well :3
    Hahaha what did we say about stalking, love? :3
    Well, I can't help being a hopeless romantic XD
    I have such wonderful inspiration after all :p

    I realy can't stand people who think like that...
    It's one of the few things I really don't like about Steff...
    Yes XD I can't stand them.
    they are not so bad if I'm not paying attention, and someone just takes them
    that doesn't bother me so much, but when someone is like "smile!" Ick! makes me feel sick.

    hahaha if it's common ground you are looking for, you shouldn't be asking my 3 favourite songs :p you should be asking my three 'popiest' favourite songs lol

    Cuz my fave bands are stuff like Beneath The Massacre, Car Bomb and Naked City... none of which I see you liking lol.

    Stuff I like that you might also like:
    The Birthday Party,
    Jeff Buckley,
    Nick Cave,
    Queens of the Stone Age,
    Rage Against the Machine,
    Regina Spektor
    and Bjork....
    Like any of them? lol
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