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  • ohok...just without the virgin bit haha...so u sitll havent told me which asian u r? the nerdy or the hardarsed haha
    its ok had 2 tests on monday haha lame...oh i think thats just chemistry...nobody understands that shit...do u like science? i hated it...mostly cuz our class were fuckheads and the teachers sucked...the students just told them to fuck off if they tried to get them to do sumthing...and because i dacked a guy once we werent allowed to do expirements anymore in one year haha
    haha yeah my work sucks...i dont mind work in general...just mine lol...i dunno im a bit a loner too tho :( :p...hows school?
    That god someone smart thinks its hard now i dont feel as bad for not knowing it.

    I am totally incompetent. Haha. The teacher i had today (sub) had no idea what she was talking about.

    Once again, Thanks so much


    For the question below wouldnt you just use that formula a=u-v/t? as youre looking for the acceleration. IDK. I am a newbie and a clueless one too.
    Heyy. Considering you have taken this topic, Can you help me with one more question? If yes then the question is below, If no then thats all sweet aswell.

    A rocket moving towards Alpha Centuari at 1000ms^-1 fires its rockets, accelerating backwards at a constant rate for 5 minutes. During this 5 minutes, the rocket moved 240km close to the star. What was the acceleration?

    All i know is you have to use the formula: a=final-Initial/time.
    yeah seemed like holidays just went away with a click >_<
    oh man i wish it were extended to the anzac period
    and atm i have sleep problems
    just dont seem to be able to get to sleep well
    my sleeping pattern is fucked
    gotta get it back to scratch
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