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  • he was seeing how big he could make his own, and all you had was some anime chick anyway, just put your own pic as your avatar... lol
    Mine's there, and the admin was messing with them a few days ago and wiped all of them, and since I didn't have one, I put my old one back on
    Hi do you happen to have any hsc biology textbooks on pdf that you mind sharing?
    accounting is the worst

    I'm majoring in Economics, love that sheit to the max, but then again I was born for economics :D

    so what else will you do with your science degree? you can always do maths? =S
    haha yes! it's 12 hours a week, I just picked those subjects which fit into 2 days per week, since all have to be done at some point so may as well make my life easier!

    if not med, I dont know, and not sure about anything with science, maybe become a teacher? :lol:

    Business/Commerce is a good course to do, nice and easy
    I go to uni 2 days a week, Love my timetable because I crammed full time uni into 2 days, and it will get a little difficult but that's only during the major, which is 1.5 yrs away, but I doubt it will, because both courses i'm doing I have an interest in and find easyish, minimal effort for good marks, 8 hours of study a week, only of acocunting hw was all I did pretty much, and then cramming before exams, also assignments and stuff were extra.

    and dw, you wont ever get a life haha first HSC then science or med... gl lol
    oh yes I am! :D loving them, and also love my easy going uni course too xD

    wbu? studying hard for more assessments?
    Look who is back on BOS, after a 3 month break from this site, I have many inbox about stuff :p
    LOL some cute little kid wanted help from me for geo, I was so happy that he asked me, cause i felt smart :D:D
    how is life going?? Are you enjoying the HSC right now :p
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