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  • I better redeem myself this term. I better start to study. :/

    I will start by doing it in chunks. My studying starts naooooo! See ya.
    They asked for the proof of the irrationality of e in 2001, so I would doubt it will ever appear in 4U again.

    How is school?
    Sigh, for a new yr 12 comer to say i am incorrect really insults me. b was clearly the maximum displacement. do u know what displacement is kid?

    Im disappointed
    Well, please pm asap. i would love to know why =)
    Sup! Please quickly explain to me why B is not considered as the max displacement for the previous question. Many thanks
    Estimate Please!

    Subject - Exam Mark - Exam Rank - Overall Rank (CSSA TRIAL)(School Rank: 350-400)
    Mathematics - 41 - 33rd - 33/39
    English Advanced - 56 - 22nd - 16/69
    Biology - 65 - 7th - 7/31
    Legal - 53 - 5th - 4/17
    IPT - 91 - 1st - 3rd/15
    SOR1U - 24 - 37th - 41/82

    Thanks :)
    est please for friend

    subject rank exam result CSSA TRIALS
    Chemistry 3/18................ 70/100
    advanced maths 2/45....... 98/120
    advanced english 21/69.... 65/105
    SOR:2unit 5/41............... 77/100
    Physics 1/20................... 70/100
    school rank:350-400

    estimate please

    subject rank exam result CSSA TRIALS
    Chemistry 3/18 70/100
    advanced maths 2/45 90/120
    advanced english 25/69 65/105
    SOR:2unit 6/41 75/100
    Physics 1/20 70/100

    school rank: 300-350
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