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  1. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    That's a decent school rank, it's not just 'nothing really'
  2. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    That rank reveal tho...
  3. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Oh yeah I remember that extra sheet signing. I remember it so well now because I was assigned to sit at the back of the room and I had to wait for everyone to confirm their signatures with the supervisors and I was sitting there, needing to go to the toilet desperately, for like 20 minutes.
  4. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    But how would you know though? Ive heard people purchasing their papers back for certain subjects, but im not sure about English.
  5. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Id assume that they would give you an extra blank booklet where you would have to write your student ID number and which section it belonged to.
  6. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Just found out that the booklet for the option topics for chemistry have lines divided up per part of the option topic questions. When I had my trials, the teacher just stapled together pages with lines on them and that was it.
  7. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Found it, and yes as lee said, the booklet is divided into individual sections so don't worry about having to do the exam in order or not.
  8. Ekman

    2015ers Chit-Chat Thread

    Where did you find that schedule astro?
  9. Ekman

    Hamlet Predictions

    Guys don't forget to study mortality, im having a feeling that it may be asked.
  10. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    Pm me how you found out my school.
  11. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    Sounds like you are trying to find me. Good luck buddy, you are going to need it.
  12. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    This thread got derailed so hard, now it is about trying to find out drsoccerball's identity.
  13. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    Lol I don't get how people know what school drsoccerball and I go to, or other personal stuff. We haven't revealed anything about us at all...
  14. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    And I don't yeah? Didn't know you changed your name recently...
  15. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    Relax you were most likely looking down when they took the photo so they cant really tell how your face looks like
  16. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    No you had one guess, and you were so convinced that he was paradoxica, but turns out, he was the guy sitting in front of the real paradoxica.
  17. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    Totally not creepy at all...
  18. Ekman

    Official BOS Trial 2015 Thread

    Omg are you one of the twins that were sitting at the far front corner of the room? You guys were completely identical.
  19. Ekman

    Hamlet Predictions

    Just had a thought right now, what about innocence and morality?