Even Christians in the Middle East don't have as many children. Because Christians marry one person, and divorce is a no no.
Christians can't marry 4 women at a time and divorce them by simply saying "I divorce you" three times. That's why they got ahead in population in lebanon. It's not...
No I blame it on Islam for allowing it to be so.
Yes but it's still Islam. So the repeated "they dont represent Islam" muslims use is ridiculous. Just because you consider them extremist, it does not change the fact their actions and ideologies are justified by Islam.
even though the...
Yes you have. every time you call it islam. do you know what the root word from which 'islam' is derived?
And you still haven't told me what the punishment for apostasy is in Islam? Curious what rules such a free and peaceful religion has in place.
So if there are different 'versions' of...
No its not the same as every religion. First of all 'slavery' in the bible does not equal 'slavery' now. Secondly, the Old Testament contained the imperfect law, hence the reason Catholicism is based on the New Testament where Jesus lays down the final law. The Catholic Church has a strict...
Well the kiddie fiddlers actions are no way justified by catholic law and dogma. Just because someone calls them self a follower of a certain religion it doesn't mean their actions represent the religion.
However ISIL are simply carrying out the instructions given to them in their book and...
2 Chainz, one of his most famous lines: "I stack my money so tall, that you might need a giraffe when you counting this cash nigga"
Words from the heavens.
Bow down.
When she inherited in 1992, her estimated wealth was <100 mil.
Now it's 19-20 BILLION.
I doubt many people could pull that off. The problem is people think how much money you have or earn dictates financial success, but it really doesn't. Warren Buffet has said himself he picks up coin off the...
Not really, it seemed like you were opposing the idea that she built her way up. Whether or not she's the mind behind the big decisions idk, but the fact is she increased her personal wealth significantly and it's not something anyone could do had they started with the same money.
I don't really know her story, but it's not physical or mental work that makes someone rich. It's not the hours clocked in or sore muscles you get. That's what these people surveyed don't understand. Just because they work hard physically and mentally (let's assume they do) that does not entitle...
Are there any non-english people who like the English team? i cant stand them for some reason, was so happy Uruguay got up on them.
Also Uruguay legit have the best president in the world.
I've found a solution k the uni exams/wc problem.
All exams are replaced with World Cup exams.
Numeracy section on stats.
Extended response on your opinion of the game.
World Cup fever is unstoppable, im a complete noob when it comes to soccer but i cant help but want to watch (and get fifa cravings)
It's a team in the German league.
Would you say that Germany were just really good or Portugal was sloppy and they capitalised?
idk im pretty nooby wif soccer but i thought it was the latter.