Katie doesnt like beer either, she has too sweet teeth to like beer. Although because beer is so cheap her and her friends are having a beer appreciation night so they can acquire the taste and be even cheaper drunks!
Frangelico? Make a Frangelico Luau!!!! Pineapple juice and frangelico and ice, yummy :)
No lynny the cadbury drink i think you'll like. And I know one called a Fruit Tingle thats really nice too
Katie is feeling suprisingly well and loves lynny alot. She heard about the baileys and informs lynn that she has the best drink for her that she will like. Katie promises :)
Katie cant be bothered reading everything that has been going on but she would like to inform everyone that she really really wants to eat bacon this morning
I remember my teacher talking about how they just picked them at random, although they arent allowed to mark works from their particular school. All sounded a bit random, but she seemed to have marked quite a few different mediums from poetry to videos and documentaries.
Katie likes looking at guys at the beach, just not ones in speedos. She also thinks that the particular guy who pissed her off tonight has ABSOLUTELY no idea how insulting he was, and she is currently trying to figure out a way of kicking his ass.
Katie would love to but she doesnt know where Evans house is, and probably wouldnt be able to get there. She will feel better tomorrow, or the day after, she's just pmsing alot right now.
Katie is very much aware that she is the party, she just doesnt relish the thought of partying on her own now. And is cut at being suddenly uninvited somewhere.
Katie and her friend were going to go to her friends farewell then go to her other friends party in the night tomorrow, but her other friend has practically said he doesnt want them there so now she's rejected, severely cut and ready to kill