Well..I think what's confusing to men about women is that they often want and don't want something at the same time. For example, they complain about so many annoying guys going after them. But inside they secretly enjoy the attention and would flaunt those experiences in front of their girl...
Also, would be be a disadvantage, being a girl seeking an Engineering career?
Would employers automatically assume that girls are weaker in Engineering?
When it's free?
When you feel that you "can't stand it anymore"?
When you have no one else to talk to?
When you know someone else who is going?
When you are curious?
When you want to save yourself?
When you are forced to?
When you want consolation?
When you feel extraordinarily...
Has anyone lived in Scotland (or worked there) for a substantial time?
How's it like? Are the people friendly, or cold, or..?
Please share, thank you..so much!