heh well i actually wanted to go to usyd but i put unsw as first choice by accident...i even sent a portfolio to usyd and i wouldve got in if i wasnt so careless as to put the preferences in the wrong ordere :(
but it doesnt matter both unis are excellent for architecture and im looking forward...
hmm u guys seem to like sleeping. i wish we never had to sleep - there would be so much more to do in life. dont we spent almost 1/3 of our life sleeping? thats like 24 years. rofl
heh yeah even though i wasnt born in aus i really regret not tryin to study chinese harder.
my knowledge of mando is minimal and the only dialect im fluent in is hakka coz of my parents, which like no one speaks.
yeah private tutoring is one of the best 'cash' jobs u can do.
firstly you don't have to pay tax.
secondly you can charge through your nose and people will still call you up because they get the impression that you must be a quality tutor for the price your charge.
1. 青花瓷
2. 最长的电影
3. 彩虹
i really liked 陽光宅男 when i first heard it, kinda like a fresh sound from jay...but got sick of it after awhile. and im sick of people complaining that jay always sounds the same - well thats his style and he owns it.
Re: Post Your 2008 University Offers Here! (UAC, VTAC, etc) (No Spam) (UAI cutoffs li
well theres only so many places available in the late round so i think most cut offs would be higher in the late round, coz theres less spots available...btw, ill see you at FBE this year :)
yeah the album is great you should buy it, even non-jay fans. i reckon its one of his best albums although my fav is still qlx. very nice r&b, ballads in there.
well ill take it that at UTS interior design is in the same fac as architecture, and from surveys it shows that students studying arch and related stuff are unsatisfied with their course.