i actually have to thank principal of my school, thats how i got a job in a company. the recomendation letter from school is useful too.
at my work when they hire some one they even call overseas for refference eg china, france
lucky you, i had to give all my money to my parents from the 1st day i started to work, reason: "because we are family"
its allready 5 years, dont know when it going to end
i got heaps notes on Towra. what sort of help do you need? i'm not relly good with management, allright with human and natural impacts and general information, if you need help just ask
for my sgp i used a book(cant remember the name)i borrowed it from local library (hurstville), it tells you exactly how to write sgp, what to write, which topics to choose.
i do chem lab at 3 to 5 on wednesday and bio lad on thursdays afternoons,oh well you are not in my class,
but probably you saw me and may be i saw you too, but didnt know it is you.