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  1. gman03

    Failed Course: UOC Question

    It will not count towards your degree, otherwise i could get a business degree without attending a single exam and fail everything. (common sense no?) Fail = do an extra subject
  2. gman03

    Reason to why we enjoyed first year computing so much

    But he is only taking 1/3 of the course, and the remaining will be taken by John Potter
  3. gman03

    UNSW Engineering Assumed Knowledge HELP

    Half of first year maths are pretty much from ext2 math. The reset are new theorem which you need to understand on the spot anyway. For physics, attending might be worth while consider how much in uni physics is missing from high school physics.
  4. gman03

    general UNSW chit-chat

    IMO UNSW soon will have no sunlight into buildings.... say the school of PV manages to cover every building with solar cells and generates our own electricity. I am SURE the management people will be happy about cost cutting + makes UNSW looks mroe like a space ship (see CLB) The uni still lack...
  5. gman03

    Underloading Questions

    Full/Part-time mainly concerns scholarship holders or international student for fullfilingl their visa requirements to stay in australia or they have to go. It also applies to local student prior to Voluntary Student Unionism where we have to pay different fees at different rate. Since...
  6. gman03

    wam question

    to OP: really, who cares. if you stuff up first year well tuff luck and move on. work harder in the following session and average out the bad marks. no point guessing "does first year not count" or "how to remove FAILs from transcript" or "can I buy 1st class honours"... MEH, just do your best.
  7. gman03


    CAD.... so a mac will do if you get the software on it... for PC, probably get something with Windows XP running.. and a good gfx card.. Really, lab is only good for socialising or printing off the final copy of drawing... othertime it is better to work in Quad/Lawn etc..
  8. gman03

    Reason to why we enjoyed first year computing so much

    http://www.eng.unsw.edu.au/news/2007/1012-2.htm Discuss.
  9. gman03

    Provisional Exam Timetable

    Is out. Check your time in myUNSW under Student Profile -> Examinations -> View Exam Timetable Time to move forward your plane tickets and GET OUT OF THIS PLACE :p R.e.s.p.e.c.t.
  10. gman03

    bonus uai points for band 5/6's

    Wow when did they start introducing another hack to the UAI system?
  11. gman03

    travelling to unsw

    If you want to go to UNSW, don't let travel put you off. Just find something to do on the train, or sleep :) I do a lot of work on train, and the time feel so short, i wish the train takes longer time so I could finish off the paragraph :(
  12. gman03

    UNSW Open Day

    This thread is lacking... PHOTOS I want PHOTOS.... please :wave:
  13. gman03

    easiest way to Rex Vowels

    Just get to the lowest floor of Elec Eng Building. You can work out the easiest path once you know where. However, for whatever reasons, please don't take the lifts in the Electrical Engineering Building.
  14. gman03

    course views

    elec3104 & tele3113, both are mathematical based. You will need some sort of good understanding of statistic. Both are quite hard in the sense they are both information-overloaded. You will find tutorials intimidating, but it is not impossible to do. Like in maths tutorial, if you don't do tut...
  15. gman03

    Does record of plagiarism go on your transcript?

    So you're saying thay postgrad guy didn't know about the consequence of copying your code? If so, then he deserve to pay for the full price. If not then he shouldn't get further marks deduction (because he doesn't know)... However I think he knew along so I think you're not the bad guy...
  16. gman03

    Timetabling advice :(

    If you have a part-time job as well -> 3 days week Otherwise see if there is any real benefit doing Comm Research?
  17. gman03

    S1 Marks

    the suspence the anxiety the worry the hunger arrgggggg i can't take these anymore.. i want that cd player stereo from Transformers to hack the system and get good grades Edit: S1 COMP9243 Distributed Systems..............76 DN S1 ELEC4602 Microelectronic Design & Tech....80 DN S1...
  18. gman03

    S1 Marks

    All will be revealed this afternoon
  19. gman03

    S1 Marks

    Provisional marks are what you have so far until Friday 13. After that day you will see your marks on myUNSW and that will be your final mark. Provisional marks are usually your final marks unless you need to sit for a supp
  20. gman03

    general UNSW chit-chat

    What are people doing during the next X weeks? Interstate travelling? More FPS/RTS? Slumber party? More bored spamming? More work? Maybe is time to clean up your room :D