The answer is A. Most Christians did not support conscription. "Many" is confusing because it is not speaking of the majority. However something like 35% voted YES and these would be overwhelmingly Anglican, and supportive of links with Britain. It is the MOST correct answer.
Teachers and Interpreters. I did 7 pages. I somehow forgot to specify the period. Going to go slit my wrists. I remembered everything and killed it. As she collected I just realised I forgot to say "growth, crisis and division". My HSC is over...
I did Lear. Question didn't specify productions I didn't know whether to mention or not, ended up doing it because I don't actually know enough about the text :O
I'm also confused about this.
According to the syllabus:
"the nature, role and importance of pivotal individuals or schools of thought:
– TWO pivotal individuals or schools of thought, ONE from each of TWO religious traditions chosen from the same period
EITHER from the period of early...