Ugh. i went to bed at 10, knowing i wouldn't be able to sleep for hours after i got to bed, and now im up again at 6:30, worring. that countdown timer is freaky as all hell.
I'm using Sturt's Dreaming- has the chang in his view of the world, kinda change in perspective, but fits in with my idea that change in self includes a change in perspective.
its true, Mazey. After doing English, a can't watch movies or read books without noticing the things they've done to trick their audience. It's made me more cynical but also i apreciate good texts so much more.
Does anyone else find the Siege very different from the other episodes, like it uses a MUCH quicker tone and fast paced action. I know this is the point, but alot of the humour is lost. Not that we need humour in our texts, acording to our teacher. :(
Well, i don't mind english, but perhaps they should allow a better integration from the SC, like i was really in the deep end when it came to HSC English, cause the essay style is pretty different.
Talk about Brian and the Execs who can veto stories that are negative against their friends. Then talk about how Mike Moore appears to have power (and feels as though he does) and thus tries to control it, but in reality has no power, and thus no control.
Actually, in the exams, when they give you your texts, such as In the Skin of a Lion, or whatever, in the Text type area, where there is Film, or Prose Fiction, they have "Shakespeare"
Are any of your teachers suspiciously in love with some Historical figures? mine has this thing for Bismarck. And Ho Chi Minh. and Speer. and Woodrow Wilson. But i spose its a good thing, cause he really knows his stuff back to front