Six feet under is a great show i just bought the first and second seaosn on dvd for 40 bucks. i'm so happy. As for the finale last night i was hoping for a cliff hanger but other than that it was great. loved the death in the beginning.
I found the parts where they dop it really quickly to be more of a spoiler. Trust me the bus scence is not the onyl thing that will make you shit your pants.
I found the trailer to be more spoilerish that this. So if you truly want to be spoiled then watch the trailer. Thats why i wasn't freaked out by much o it cause i saw the trailer. Plus the bus thing is liek one thing big woop.
ok i saw it i wasn't that scared but i have ot say it is a movie u have ot see with your friends. DO NOT GO ALONE. I found the storylinr pretty easy to follow and it was great to SMG on the big screen.
i love in omce more with feeling dawn comes in and says "OMg you would not beleive what ahppened today..."
Buffy (sounding depressed) everyone started singing and dancing
Dawn (beat): i gave birth to a pterodactyl
Anya: OMG did it sing.