Just remeber that it is ur worst units after everything has been scaled that are dropped if u have greater than ten units except if its in english, in which they take ur 2 best units of eng i think so that cld be your ext unit and one of ur adv units
As a yr 12 I would never hit on anyone below yr 9 cos it is just gross but i spose as i get older the age diff won't matter that much. Neway how do u meet ppl this age when you don't go into clubs and it is not thru ur rents. I mean i have mates that are that age but generally i know them thru...
Yes that is right a prayer thread - for those facing the HSC and are feeling down. Post your worries or anything else u want prayer for and people can pray for you. Even if u are feeling happy and want prayer post ur request here.
Nebody who is into prayer please also pray for ppl.
another few to inspire
Here without you - Matchbox 20
Singing in the Rain - Jamie Cullum version
Nightingale - Norah Jones
With or Without you - U2
Hands - Jewel
Twighlight -Vanessa Carlton (But don't go near ne of her others with a 10 foot pole)
Must agree with raiks - definitely What a...
I saw someone mentioned henry ford - he's the biggest antisemite ever after Hitler and Himmler!! - Yes he was the leader of the American anti-semetic movement so don't quote him
18, male, never been kissed - i prob could have been if i'd had the courage and also i haven't really felt close enough to someone to do it. Mind u i've never been drunk!
The suggestion of releasing 3 animals numbered 1, 2 and 4 works a treat - for those a little off the pace - they spend all day looking for no.3. A good one is to capture junior years as slaves - not only are they paranoid about missing class but u can also get them to clean up ur mess. Funny...
Physics Joke -
Heisenberg is driving along the freeway and is pulled over by a cop with a radar gun. The cop asks him "Mr Heisenberg, do you know how fast you were going?" to which Heisenberg replie "No I don't but i definitely know where i am".
I'd say not great unless u absolutely walked all over the rest of your year marks wise - Pe teaching is about 8-10 uai pts lower than physio - but good luck newayz
To the person who said that nsg ie north sydney girls were nerdy and all had 150+ iqs. well yes they do have 150+ iqs - but they aren't all nerdy - most have good personality but are not as brilliant in the look dept as say abbotsleigh or pymble lc. Mind u being a nsb myself - ithink ull find...