Units Courses Entered Examination Mark Assessment Mark HSC Mark Performance Band
Board Developed Courses
2 Biology 88/100 88/100 88 5
2 English (Advanced) 88/100 81/100 85 5
2 Legal Studies 89/100 87/100 88 5
2 General Mathematics 82/100 89/100 86 5
2 Modern History 86/100...
Here's the link for the First Place in Course List taken from the Board Of Studies website: http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/ebos/static/FSTIC_2006_12.htm
I need to clear something up, on my last report that I recieved from school, every subject had a trial mark and trial average. Is this trial mark the final assessment mark that will appear on the Board Of Studies results sheet.
Section I is on the yellow buff paper (Question 16 - Short Answers) which we write on and hence they collect. If anyone could remember the questions from heart that would be good.
Below are the links to the Legal Studies 2006 Paper (Multiple Choice, Crime and Optional Focus Study questions) :
Here is a copy of the multiple choice questions (links are below) :
Hey, what did you guys put for the differences between the appearance of the goldfish???? Was it related to crossing over and random fertilisation and these are reflected in the phenotypes of the organism.
Here are the links to Sections II, III and IV of the Paper.
I said that history had presented us with a biased interpretation of him. The repecussions of his actions in relation to architecture and the Nazi war effort led to this biased interpretation.
That happened at our school too. The supervisor said we had to use two 4 page booklets for the National Studies. She rang up the Board then they ended up giving us an eight page booklet.