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  1. K

    Crime Fiction

    hmm... im doin the same texts, and i sure hope i can help!! well, as u'd know, what ur trying to do in a CF essay is letting the markers know that a) you know the conventions of the genre and its subgenres, b) you can give examples of these, and c) you can describe, using examples, how...
  2. K

    2003 hsc large questions??

    it is a memory test!! totally!! but one that is made easier by you actually knowing how to apply the stuff you have memorised to everyday life.. something i have yet to learn in chem.. d'oh!! i think the best bet would be to make sure u at least know the basics for every bit - and then you...
  3. K

    Our Whole Class Is Gettin Misadventure

    yeh, bummer to you guys!!! i kno EXACTLY how you feel - we had 11 different teachers for pdhpe during the course of the year. it sucked big time!!!!!! i kno that to some of you this will just sound like a general winge, but unless youve been in the situation, keep your mouth closed...
  4. K

    General Bitch about biochemistry.

    sigh.. you have my sympathy - sort of.. u see, i also had to learn glycolysis (n the rest of it mind you) from scratch but, on the other hand, we're actually learning about something that is actually useful and relevant and not boring as crap.. who really wants to know why shipwrecks get...
  5. K

    Crime Fiction and the importance of techniques

    hmm, yeh... im thinking that it would be a good idea to have a sound knowledge of the different conventions of the different subgenres, and examples of how the composers portray these... therefore not only the examples the composers have used, but also the techniques they used to do so.. i...
  6. K


    well, i thought it was a pretty good exam over all!! nothin too curly, nothing that you really had to stretch yourself to make up.. as for options, i think i did q14 - or wicheva one was about culture.. 5 pages all up.
  7. K

    what did every1 get 4 MC?

    i made a flower.. a stargazer lily, in fact. the petals made the skirt, and the top was a boob tube in green.. like the flower was upside down. mine got to skool before any of the exams started..but i dunno if i wanna go pick it up coz it might be worse than i remember.. i had to make it flat...
  8. K

    What interesting, weird and incomptant things happened in your maths exam?

    hmm, yeh, apart from the general traffic noise - sorry, nothing interesting like sheep or lawn mowers - a whole heap of pens falling on the ground.. other highskoolers forgetting that we were in an exam, n yelling stuff outside.. and p.s: style is not true style if it is in fact generic!
  9. K


    um, yeh, but really, back to basics (something even i can do.. sometimes!) theres 60 minutes in a degree, and when rounding, anything <30'0" (inclusive) goes up and anything under that goes down.. which would make 95' 29'34.whatever" round down to 95' . at least, i really hope it does, coz i...
  10. K

    trig and calculus

    i think im a little more 'skrewed' than i originally trhought... umm, if anyone has any tips about trig and calc, that would be super appreciated... sigh, trig by itself - no worries. calc by itself - easy enough to figure out if u rememba the rules properly. but mix em together, and its...
  11. K


    yes, i can understand ur confusion... but, just from havin a fresh look at the Lobsters workings.. note that he did in fact multiply the difference between the maximum and the minimum by 2.. therefore a complete oscillation/period.. so that makes 12 hours correct
  12. K

    probability question - wrong answer?

    yeh, see, thats wat the hsc does to you!!!! i just read a whole PAGE of u'z all confused about a simple question - confused for the simple reason of you not being able to count... i must ask - 'where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? where is the knowledge we have lost in...
  13. K

    parametric q.

    hey buds.. u kno, id really really love to be able to help, but im totally drawin a blank, which is NOT good... so if ya get it, or if n e 1 gets it out for that matter, can i please know? doh, im more skrewed than i thought...
  14. K

    Rates of change...

    hey, slyball, thanx for that, ey!! sometimes all ya need is someone different explainin the exact same thing in a slightly different way, n it all makes sense sigh.. if only the hsc was as easy as the stuff in the 'basic' part of the revise in a month.. not to worry! the hsc is too much...
  15. K


    i did 5:4:8 no strings... close tho - but the supervisors wouldnt look at me n give me another book!! i was devo... but it was ok, coz i ran outta time n e way! but writing big - now theres an idea! kazza