who likes anime?
Want to dl some more anime to watch so recommend your favourites.
my favourite is slam dunk at the moment (as you can probably tell from my avy and sig)...even though its a bit old now...i still think its a classic
yeh yeh yeh...before when i read that there was gonna be a sequel i was like awee their gonna ruin the first one by doing a crappy sequel...something that happens with a lot of comedy/parody sequels. But then i dl the preview and it looks so funny...he he he...watch out for puss in boots...
i dont really like shannon's voice. I know some people think its unique and all and i agree...it is pretty unique but that doesnt make it good...especially with him singing "it isnt fair" god it sounds whiny and annoying
the sister didnt show that many emtions though...she seemed to pretty much have the same expression throughout...even when Randi was saying how she did it for her family and Steve said how their family love was so moving...all the other family members were all holding back tears and the sister...
thats cos we just finished watching average joe 1 and everyone here wanted adam to win...and since average joe 3 is all about adam...you fill in tha blanks
the afro looks better than his hairstyle before...i think i saw an picture where he had his hair shaved and had piercings on his face (nose??) with his ex. It looked horrible